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A/N: Sometimes when I'm moody... There's weird ideas always come up with my mind but if it mean to conquer my writer's block then so be it...

PS: Thank you Very muck for 2K+ reads 💞


~SINnammon Squad~

Hyuga: Neh guys? Does killing good or bad?

Hikaru: Well it depends on the situation for example: If you kill a killer, that doesn't necessarily mean the number of killer in the world will be lessen in fact it will be the same

Aiga: Well in that the case then kill two

Drum: Why are you so right about it XD

Hikaru: Then we have people who kill for selfish desire and for justice or in self defense and insanity

Aiga: People are such hypocrite this day. No matter what circumstances it is. A kill is a kill that's all matter in the end

Hyuga: ...Then it is a crime?

Drum: Well for a religious group it is a great sin and not only that, if you kill yourself that's consider a great sin too

Aiga: Nah, Killing is not crime if it mean to lessen the world's overpopulation

Drum: Aiga why do I feel your always a neutral? Or it's a philosophy you believe in?

Aiga: It's not neutralism if it means to simply put your opinion on what you believe and let the people against you judge you cause that's always how things work

Aiga: And if I have one philosophy I believe Is that: Being crazy means having a different realities than other

Drum: And here we are, sharing some philosophical point of view sessions which either cause cautionary or inspiration

Valt: Yes and here I am reading all your messages while asking my self what with you guys Today....

Valt: And by the way, Hyuga what's with sudden topic?

Hyuga: Well I killed the cockroach in the bathroom so I'm asking for their opinion which is always the best like I already hide the corpse in the ground like what Aiga say in the gardening tips and then the hydrogen peroxide for the stains

Hyuga: See? Case closed :D

Hyuga: Also I feel like we should do this session more often ^^




Valt: Well that's it I'm totally setting up a counseling


A/N: I hope I did nothing wrong in this chapter cause my Intention was  to create a funny scenarios

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