Truth/Dare #6

889 38 30

Request by: AX-Skye

Hey sorry if I modify some your request but I hope you still like my own style

PS: My head cannons include in this chapter so you might get confused but I'll make you'll like it :D


Drum is seen running through the hallway until he reach the dining room

"Guys! Guys! Look someone send me the clip of Mommy Valt Championship battle!!!"

Aiga choke "Really! That's cool! Come on let's watch cause I'm curious how he become the the Champion!"

Hikaru look at Drum suspiciously "Wow whoever send you that must be a nice person cause I cant search it online and said the whole International Bladers Cup battle clips is deleted "

Aiga nod " Yeah only articles are shown not the actual battle it's like they're hiding something"

Hyuga look confuse "I don't get it... Why would WBBA do that cause I've heard that tournament will surely mark the history of Beyblade"

Aiga hum "Well I heard a rumour said that tournament become controversial for some reason and you know what's shocking? Some people dub the tournament as the 'Battle of Betrayal"

Hyuga blink "That sounds something tragic would happen"

Drum who's preparing the TV, shrug "Maybe that's the case cause when send me this she said I need to bring some tissues when we watch first the finals match but at first I thought we'll cry in happiness but maybe no..."

The four sinnamons look disturbed but decided just to watch to know

The first scene start with Senor Hanami calling the bladers starting with Valt and call him the Miracle boy

Drum whistle "Wow Miracle boy!? Sounds Nice!"

Hikaru nod "Yes! I dig some research how he got that reputation and it said because Mommy Valt always turn off the tables causing him to win unexpectedly"

Aiga snort "As much as I want the nickname it just sounds like people are understating his abilities"

They about to respond when Shu called out with his nickname: Red Eye

Hyuga smile widen "The one Mommy Valt battle in the finals is his best friend!? Sounds epic! Just like Shu's Nickname"

Aiga then eyes widen then suddenly have a flashback when Shu is confronting him about corrupted resonance in the Dread Tower

Hikaru notice this "Something's matter? you look pale..." He ask grabbing Drum and Hyuga attention

Aiga take a deep breath "I just can't believe that what Shu's saying is true..."

Hyuga blink "About what?"

Aiga bite his lip "He said there was a time he went by the name Red Eye, he wanted to become stronger so he just tossed aside the blader Shu Kurenai, He's perception was warped and he thought power came from destroying beys, In order to become the best he tried to control Spryzen but instead he's swallowed up, he also said that if kept doing that he'll be ruined balder but thankfully he's good now" Aiga summarize gaining a shock response

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