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A/N: Ahhh this is the continued scenario in the previous chapter


~SINnamon Squad GC~

Drum: Guys senpai still isn't here 😭

Hyuga: Uwahhh I miss Mommy Valt

Hikaru: Huhuhu what we should we do?

Aiga: Wait I have an idea meet me in  HQ

Drum: Huh? What are we gonna do?

Aiga: You'll see 😉


~SINnamon Squad HQ~

Now wee see our 4 SINnamon gather around in the kitchen

"Wait now I know what you mean... We're gonna make a Beybread!!!" Exclaim Drum while jumping around

"Bang Bang that's Valt-Senpai favorite " Hyuga punched the air

"This idea is good" Hikaru put his finger on his chin and nod

"I know but what are we waiting for let's do this!" Aiga crossed his arms while grinning proudly



Valt take a deep breath

'I wonder what those guys doing right now?"

He's not actually mad. He just want his troublesome sinnamons to learn their lesson that everything has a limit. For example that Prank that almost give him a mini heart attack

Valt open his phone and went to GC to joined back

He narrow his eyes when he read their last conversation and he sigh

"HQ huh, I might check them out"


This is a disaster

Valt can't believe what he is seeing

Apparently the kitchen is a total mess with a fire on the stove, ingredients scattered around the floor, and those weird brown mixture that he doesn't know stuck up in the ceiling

Then he silently look over to his troublesome sinnamons who is fidgeting their hands or scratching their necks

"Hello Valt Senpai" They nervously greeted

Aiga mentally curse in his mind that his plan doesn't go well

They were suppose to surprise him so he won't be mad at them anymore

Dammit the plan failed

Now their Senpai is  here standing in front of them with unreadable expression that make them more nervous

Aiga look down and shut his eyes while clenching his fist

Now Senpai will be mad more—

(This is frustrating)

—Then suddenly he can feel some soft fabric on his face

"You guys are mess"

Aiga eyes open to see Valt gently cleaning his messy face with a tissue


Valt sigh when he notice the disbelief on their eyes

He smile softly at them while cleaning Drums face — cause Aiga is already done but he still standing like a statue

"I'm not Mad, I'm just disappointed" He chuckle softly While cleaning Hyuga face

Hyuga ask "Really"

Valt chuckle "Of course you guys are my sinnamons" he fondly said while cleaning Hikaru face

Drum pout "Mou we we're supposed to bake a beybread for you"

Valt blink and laugh softly that make them more confused

"Now that explain the mess" He gesture around

Hikaru sweatdrop "Sorry about the mess"

Valt wave his hands "Don't worry it's fine, let's just clean this mess"

Then Valt grab the rug and grin brightly

"Then later we'll make Beybreads"


Hours have passed that full of fun

Tadaaa. The Beybreads with the design of their own beyblade

"Yum yum yum" Hyuga munch the Beybread

"Hey don't talk when your eating" Hikaru scold his brother

Drum is eating the Beybread with imaginary light cast upon him with sparkles emit around

Meanwhile Aiga is eating his own beybread quietly

"Hey Aiga" Valt called him and look up

"Yes Senpai?"

"You know that prank wasn't that bad, I just overreacted " He remind

Aiga look at him twinkle in his eyes "Really?— Oww!"

Valt pinch Aiga's cheek

"But please make sure you won't take it far hmm?"

"Yeah Yeah oww please stop"


A/N: Aww so sweet~

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