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A/N: Wow it's already November huh


~SINnamon Squad HQ~

"It's nice to see you all here now please take a seat and so we can start"

And that's Aiga who spoke and for no apparent reason he's wearing a black glasses while crossing his arms and sit like a professional

Drum, Hyuga and Hikaru shares look then sit on the provided chair

"Where is Valt-Senpai?" Drum ask while looking around

Aiga shake his head "Valt-Senpai doesn't know about this" he smirk then

Now they starting to feel something is up to happen

Because if they learn something: Aiga doing something without Valt-Senpai knowledge can either lead to trouble or fun; it's up to you to what to feel

Aiga stand up bring out a box

"Gather around guys" He said and they quickly follow curious they are

Aiga dramatically open the box then a imaginary blinding light emit inside that they have to embrace there self

They open there eyes then surprised in what they see


"Can we wear them now"

" Wow! Aiga how?"

"I know I'm amazing no need to tell"


The day looks normal and quiet

And Valt doesn't know if he should be feel relief or suspicious

Then his phone beep


Hey Senpai Please go to the HQ

Valt blink and smile

Now what his sinnamons doing right now?


Valt doesn't sure why its so dark here

"Aiga! Drum! Hyuga! Hikaru! Where are you guys?" He shout while looking around then suddenly the lights turn on and Valt turn around to see a stage with red Curtains

Valt chuckle softly and walk closer curiously

Then the curtains reveal his sinnamons making a pose and— Oh Gosh what are they wearing?!

Now he doesn't know what to react in this reaction

Do you what to he just see? Let me tell you

Aiga is wearing a customized Valt's sparking outfit while crossing his arms grinning proudly

Drum is wearing a customized Valt's  Rise outfit while posing a peace sign and oh boy he's enjoying this if the sparkles around him is the indication

Hyuga is wearing a customized Valt's original burst outfit while T posting

Then Lastly Hikaru is wearing Valt's customized Turbo outfit with his signature pose

"Hi Mommy Valt~!"

A moment of silence until a imaginary arrow struck Valt's chess

Valt clench his chest then fall down while a imaginary heart form behind him

Too much Cuteness cause him to faint


Now Dear readers please choose if this is a trouble or fun?


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