Truth/Dare #5

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Request by: Itazzi_Nirun


It was a beautiful day to celebrate the Legendary Festival where different bladers all around the world gathered to take a rest and enjoy and if course the legendary Bladers are required to go there

It was fun cause the event was like a Bey festival like in Brazil where there are floats, foods, music's, booths and a lot more stuff to do

And then for the finale, everyone gathered around in stadium for the music performance

Everything seems fine until they saw Zac in the seats

"Zac what are you doing here? I thought you were the one who will sing" Honcho ask that make every turn around

Daigo agree "Yeah the performance will start in any second"

Zac smile sheepishly and show a board with words written on it

'Sorry I can't sing cause my throat suddenly hurt but don't worry the show will go on'

Wakiya nod "Well that explain a lot but who will take your place?" He ask

But there question answered when the lights on the stadium turn off stated that the performance will start in any second

"Wait guys where is Valt" Shu suddenly blurted out while looking around

Ranjiro shrug "I think he is with Aiga cause I see them from somewhere"

"And Drum?" Delta suddenly talk and Gwyn start to look around

Silas snort "I think I see him with Hyuga and Hikaru from somewhere"

"Gosh they are troublesome" Lane who's been listening in there conversation mumble it's not he want to be here if Shu didn't insisted him

Free sigh "Maybe there are just sitting in another place" he said while yawning cause he want to sleep

Lui sigh at the noise around him.... If this festival wasn't required he would definitely go home Right now

Then Senor Hanami start to announce "Hello everyone!!! Are you ready for more fun!!!"

"YEAH!!" The audience cheer

"Very Well then let's call the surprisingly group who will perform this day! Now behold..... The SINNAMON SQUAD!" He announced showing the group name in the screen

The lights flicker showing our missing Bladers

"Valt!?!" The Beigoma BeyClub, BC Sol and other Valt's friend exclaim

"Aiga!?!" Ranjiro together with his friends like Fubuki and others exclaim same goes for Phi

"Drum!?!" The Victories team and his rivals shout in surprise

"Hyuga!? Hikaru!?" The Bombers exclaim same goes for Lane who look shock

Then the music start

Get out your guns, battles begun
Are you a saint, or a sinner?
If loves a fight, than I shall die
With my heart on a trigger
They say before you start a war
You better know what you're fighting for
Well baby, you are all that I adore
If love is what you need, a soldier I will be

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