I don't-

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Ladies and Gentlemen~ There is reason why you should not piss off Mommy Valt when he in a bad mood or stress

Valt: Man meetings are really pain when business and problems are included

Valt: Then I didn't get too much sleep -_-

Valt then go to SINnamon Squad HQ just to see the place a mess and those 4 are playing video games

Valt: *Sigh* Hey you guys can you help me make dinner and clean? :D

Aiga: Let me see...

Drum: I don't cook...

Hyuga: I don't clean...

Hikaru: But let me—

Then a mysterious knife suddenly fly over

Valt: What? I can't hear it~ Can you you guys repeat it~ >:D

Dark aura formed behind Valt as his eyes glow in gold making a scary scene as the 4 kids start to back away

Aiga/Drum: Y-yes I know the cooking *start to make dinner*

Hyuga/Hikaru: Y-yes I know the cleaning *start to clean the hall*

Valt: Well that's good to hear hehe~♡

Aiga/Drum/Hyuga/Hikaru: Scary (⊙_◎)


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