To Keep Going

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Love blossoms... Oh, it had always blossomed.

The same as the night when he found Rose. The same when Agatha was violated. The same when he began to know Evrard, when he never knew of the truth the man held. Whom was never cruel or mean, but was protective... angry and sad.

When she had feared and prayed, there was the knight she deeply loved and honored. He was upon his horse, holding the two traumatized ones close as he was being led by two others. His armor, no longer as golden as the new day sun. Whom once was proud, was truly humble and saddened. But there he was! As she had prayed for sure deliverance, that prayer had been answered.

Esmeralda was holding incredibly strong and looked back to Quasimodo and Agatha, with deep joy and bravery bright in her eyes. She saw that he looked up at her once more as he held Agatha's hand, which was then draped over his shoulder. Esmeralda stroked Quasi's cheek warmly, full of encouragement.

The men were nearing. Quasimodo stayed on that step gravely looking on as the knights were coming so close now. It was Phoebus, whom he saw, holding and helping Adalyn...and it was horrific to see the man nearly fall off his horse out of exhaustion. But he could not. Not until he set the girls safely down.

Adalyn, as exhausted as she was, was trying to keep her knees from buckling at the sight. Judeth kept holding on to her, seeing just how shocked the gypsy group was. There was her protector, Quasimodo.

He looked so different, that it scared her. She saw Lillian! She saw the blind woman with him!

In great desperation, the poor brunette broke away from her, not in rights. Quasimodo's eyes quickly moistened the moment he saw her run to him. He was barely able to smile, but he was so happy that she was all right after going through all that. Nearly getting killed....

Lillian and Judeth, both crying over each other were both under the huncback's still rather strong hold. He was in pain, more so from deep within. These two were safe. It helped calm him slight. They felt him tremble, silent sobs shaking his frame. They were safe, they weren't spoiled....

Most of all, he looked and saw... there was Adalyn.

What she was seeing, she refused anyone who tried to hold her back. She was running quick away from Phoebus.

"Qu-Quasi...." her voice cracked. "Ev..."

But she looked and Evrard wasn't anywhere to be seen. When she came near, all that greeted her were the pained, yet compassionate looks from the other men. Esmeralda was who spoke to her first.

"Esmeralda.... Is... Evrard here? Quasi...?" Adalyn's felt her voice shattering, being able to tell that someone had been killed.

Esmeralda only draped a wool over her shoulders. The look in her eyes made Addy's stomach drop. Sweetly, though, Esmeralda looked to Quasimodo, who stood slowly, holding his bandaged arm very close to his chest. Adalyn turned to see his face so pinched with sorrow, it passed on to her. Knowing him, he was never one to lie and to see him in such a way....

When he came to her, her knees fell weak beneath her. He went down with her, taking her hand...just as speechless.

There was no one else perfect enough to tell her...and yet, she seemed to realize, sighting the newly dug mound. The reason why he was no where in sight. But she kept looking into Quasimodo's eyes and there she saw it. From those familiar eyes, she knew... Evrard was gone.

Just as she feared. She bit her lip sharply as she fought her heavy tears back. She bowed low, resting her head against his chest.

"...a-adalyn, I... I...." he wept along with her.

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