I Will Not Forsake You

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It was earlier when the Burrowers were preparing to set out on another crucial mission and this time, it wasn't scouting or hunting. As the camp was set in motion, getting their steeds ready, getting their weapons sharpened and fixed, Quasimodo was inside his group's resting tent, solemnly and slowly sharpening the dagger he now wore upon his sash, reminiscing. Naturally, he was a little paranoid about knives...ever since that morning when Frollo.... Well, it hurt him to remember now. For a moment, he stopped sharpening when he saw his reflection in the side of the blade. There he saw himself, just the same. Just as ugly. Frollo's words still stabbed at him. That treachery was the worst thing he had encountered. In truth, it was worse than how things were now. But why was he dwelling in the past?

Sliding his dagger back on his person, Quasimodo took a moment to fight his tears away. It wasn't the past that was bothering him. It was truly this plan that he and Evrard discussed earlier. He was afraid of his dear friends' lives. It was all too dangerous! Agatha was worrying about him, about Rose, all of it. She was just as stressed as he was. Cautiously, she came in and heard him sniffle in his worry.

"Quasimodo." she said, feeling his pain.

"Agatha." Quasi softened at her direction.

The blind had stood there for a long moment at loss of what to say. She was conflicted beyond measure.

"We admit that we like each other and then we must separate. It's like the ending of a sonnet." she said.

Quasimodo smiled slight and sheathed that dagger. She smiled a little herself, but then tried to speak again.

"I just...I want you to... to come back, Quasimodo." she then requested, quite boldly.

"Agatha - "

"I know it sounds a little too bold of me, but I had just got to knowing you so well."

"Agatha... I-I will come back." he said, confidently as he came to her and hugged her. " Don't be afraid."

"That is just it. I am bloody afraid of everything." she then whispered. "...and Rose, she... she won't..."

"I-I knew this was going to happen...at some point and we've... we've reached it." Quasimodo rasped. "And it's tearing me through. I cannot explain it – I..."

Knowing and hearing the pain he was going through, Agatha hugged him tightly, looking back when they had met in that inn before it was burnt down.

"You are strong, Quasimodo. I believe in you and I know I cannot take back all that I had said to you before."

"You've never hurt me, Agatha. Never."


The blind looked back on that last conversation with him before the entire camp had split directions. She sat beside the Archdeacon and they were both covered in cloaks with the rest of children inside the caravan, onward to the roads being taken towards the Parisian city. Just to know that Quasimodo had fogiven her after all she said and how she acted, Agatha was almost at a some sort of peace for the now. But she then was worrying if he was not returning from the task.


The forest had fallen eerily quiet as the sun began to peek over the hillsides. Only a quarter mile away from the foot, three brown stallions stood with their reins tied to the same tree, grazed to pass time. Adalyn was sitting down on one knee, killing the fire with her her cloak. Rose was sitting across from her with a haunted look in her hazel eyes. Adalyn sighed at her hurting figure and smiled at the girl before rolling an apple to her. The timid creature dropped the small cloak she was covered in and crawled after the fruit, smiling at Addy. It was a rare thing to happen, but Rose was smiling. For the moment.

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