I Promised~

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Despite the piercing rain hard upon their backs, they made sure the horses did not dawdle. Clopin kept a sharp lead, aiming to keep up with the DuBois and hopefully Quasimodo would soon join.

Across the wooded plains, amidst the farms, they raced on, passing that lone village. She felt that they were not stopping. Agatha was not in a willing mood to just be led around. Something was not right to her. Not right at all.

She could pull off another one of her stunts and fall off. That was a terrible temptation, indeed. The group would only drag her back. But her paranoia was going too far for her to handle. The one man she trusted and shared her all secrets was out there and there was no sign or whisper of him. Hunchback, monster...whatever title he was deemed with, not a word from anyone else would change her heart. Why did love have to hurt so much?

She had spent most of her life running from it, because of her father... because she always believed she was never good enough to deserve it. She. The daughter of a prostitute. Unwanted. A mistake.

It was what she had always believed about herself. Until now.

She never trusted a man this much. She felt the need to go search for him, she was that frightened. If he was lost... she did not know what she would do. Perhaps, she would go and live with her own once again, but it seemed impossible. She was beginning to lose her mind with all these thoughts.

Clopin felt her grip around him tighten unpleasantly.

Esmeralda glued her emeralds onto the distant tower of the chapel as they had begun to pass it by. The gypsy woman was horrified to see that there was a black horse galloping around the grounds of that village. Hearing her shudder, Clopin turned his head to look....

There was the empty place, with the wild horse trotting around as if he owned it. He had good reason to believe that was where Quasimodo may have gone. He tensely looked to Esmeralda, who was hiding her pain bravely, who was riding beside him. No words were needed when he made his horse change direction, and Esmeralda and the many others followed suit.

Agatha felt the horse push on harder and the drops of rain stung her face like bees, as did her heart. The others were afraid. She had to stay strong.

Their hope was that they were not too late for the two.

The gypsies were gathering quickly inside the village. As for Esmeralda, while the others were riding inward, she saw a familiar crimson fabric that had gotten cut off. She went and picked the fabric up and felt it. It was a piece of Quasimodo tunic. Tears began to form in her emerald eyes. "No...no."

Frantic, she ran back to Clopin and she gave him to the torn fabric. "Clopin - " she struggled.

" La Esmeralda...I am.... was all he could say in his grief.

"It cannot be. No...he cannot be." she muttered in pure shock. "Not him..."

Through the fog, Clopin saw the chapel behind Esmeralda. Once, Esmeralda saw Clopin's eyes lighten up softly, she turned around. There was... just looming, quiet as the dead.

"Oh!" Esmeralda cried as she jumped off her steed.

"What is going on!?" the blind ordered.

Clopin and two other men came to them.

"Dead silence..." Clopin narrowed.

"Then it means that he is still here...." Esmeralda choked in a gruff, angry tone.

She then looked grimly at the Gypsy King who was willing as well. His shot was as good as any, right now. The men were all vexed. Pierre came to the two leaders.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame: Heaven's LightWhere stories live. Discover now