Frollo was Right...

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He had to rob Aurora of her well – deserved freedom for her own good after learning of how unpredictable everything was. Quasi had become far more protective over her. If Evrard knew who she was, who knew what would happen. He did not have much trust left.

Later on that same day, when the hours went on through to twilight, Rose was starting to get bored of remaining inside the resting tent. She wanted to go out and play with her new friends, Lilian and Judeth. But she had to respect Quasimodo's word; she ran away once, so there was no way he would allow her to leave his sight ever again. But there was a commotion outside. She was deeply intrigued and she peeked through the tarp. She was not able to see much, but she could plainly hear the desperate whickers of the one horse that was rescued and brought here.

He was pacing in this pen. He had not a clue what was going on or where he was for that matter. He felt pains everywhere, yet he couldn't lay himself down. The children around just kept away from him since he was seeming too wild and the other ponies were taken out and placed elsewhere.


But nearby, Esmeralda entered the resting tent and was concerned of where her trusted friend had gone. Aurora was deep asleep, snug and warm inside with Agatha was with her, sleeping the corner.

"Agatha?" Esmeralda addressed the weary blind. "Do you know where Quasimodo had gone to?"

Agatha lifted her head up at the gypsy, obviously half asleep. "He has whisked away to the outside, over there somewhere." she motioned randomly at her side of the tent. "He hasn't said much." she then said in concern.

Esmeralda sighed with worry before leaving to go have a word with the Hunchback. Just as Agatha had said, all Esmeralda had to do was go around the tent to the woodland behind. There, sitting with his back against a tree, was Quasimodo resting his cheek in his left hand and he was as still as the misty air. It hurt her to see him like this; she knew he had a problem of worrying, but he had good reason this time. He had his damp eyes glued to the grass, but not a sound he made.

"Quasi?" she whispered, softly enough to not startle him. He didn't even move at the sound of her voice. "Quasimodo, please listen to me." she pitied deeply. "I am sure Evrard had his reasons for what happened this morning."

"It probably...wasn't that wise of me, b-but...." Quasi mentioned, tearing grass one by one. "I don't know." his voice broke again as he looked away from her.

Feeling somewhat dumb for what she had said, Esmeralda came up to him and sat beside him. Compassionately, she placed a hand upon his back.

"It was, indeed, wise of you, Quasimodo." she spoke truthfully. "You must never be so hard on yourself."

For a long moment, Quasimodo didn't move, or say a word. He only slightly glanced at her and she smiled warmly at him. Touched, he placed a hand over the one she had upon his shoulder and held it. Purely, he was thankful for her kind words. A long moment after, Esmeralda stood up.

"Come. It's getting late. It will do you good to get some rest."

Quasi sighed and looked to the ground.

"I doubt that I would rest well tonight." she heard him sigh.

"At least try, my friend."

Quasi gazed up at her like a boy who was told to go to his room, but Esmeralda ignored it and held out her hand to him.

Aurora was aroused from her sleep when the moonlight came in when Esmeralda and Quasi returned. The girl gave a stretch as she smiled tiredly as Quasimodo came to her.

Although he was troubled, could not resist that sweet smile. Despite all that has happened, he could never be more proud of her. A child, unknowing of how important she was, had been through so much in her new years. Rose kept looking up at him as he laid himself down beside her. Like before, he had put his arm over her and she snuggled close, closing her drooping eyes again. He had never known of what it was like to have a family.

He was always looked to as a story, a frightening rumor. After living alone his entire life, he never knew how heavenly it felt to love someone so much. Although, the love he had for Rose was entirely different from anything else.

Even though he never got much love at all when he was young, all he ever wanted now was for Rose to be happy , for her to be safe, and for her where she had to be.

Rose gave a short yawn as she fell back into slumber. Tenderly, Quasimodo went and stroked away the mess of brown hair away from her eyes.

"Well, a bond unbreakable." said the Archdeacon who was just coming in. "Who could be better to keep our dearest heir to the throne safe?"

Quasimodo gazed up at the Archdeacon and smiled slightly not a moment later.

"If these young sorts knew.... That Evrard especially..."

Quasimodo just saddened and slowly shook his head as he gazed down at Rose as she slept.

"My judgement of him is confusing." Quasi admitted without stutter.

"You saw quite the rough side of him. Nothing like that since...." the old man trailed off, trying to keep off a certain subject.

"Being... being made to think that gypsies were evil...unkind. Being used for the purpose of harming others.... And now... people have been dying, I... I think of all that happening to Esmeralda, Agatha and Rose. I...I - I don't have much trust in the world anymore." the hunchback sighed. "All I ever see is hurt. Frollo was right."

Agatha was still resting in the corner, silently listening in. Esmeralda was flabbergasted. She never heard him talk like that before. All those years of being hidden in a tower, he never grew up out in the city, for the most part was hectic. Agatha roughly sighed and ran a hand through her hair as tears began to rush to her eyes.

"Quasimodo. Frollo may had been right on a few things. But it's the people that make it cruel. It's the choices we make.... It's what you choose to do in your life, Quasi." Esmeralda tiredly and sadly explained.

He kept his eyes on her, listening.

"Frollo chose to kill your mother, he chose to keep you locked away and ... he chose to lie to you and use you. It's easy to give in to the bad temptations. It's harder to choose to do what's right. You sacrifice something each time you make the right decision. And I remember, you sacrificed a lot, Quasimodo." the heavy hearted gypsy sweetly smiled at the hunchback.

He had tears in his eyes.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame: Heaven's LightWhere stories live. Discover now