Chapter 13

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Webby could hear her heart thump against her ribcage as she crawled behind Dewey silently hoping they wouldn't be spotted. She made sure her breaths were silent and that she didn't lose sight of the duck in front of her.

'Almost there,' Dewey thought as they crawled out of the lab.

"Hey stop right there!" one of the guards called out.

'So much for that,' Dewey thought standing up while dragging Webby with him, both teens could hear the emerging footsteps behind them as they ran for their lives.

"Don't let them escape!" Dram yelled behind them.

"Dewey I...I don't think I can hold up any longer," Webby said feeling her body grow weak until Dewey picked her up in a bridal style as he continued to run with her in his arms.

"Shoot at them!" Dram yelled all of a sudden and both Webby's and Dewey's blood ran cold but Dewey didn't stop running, they were so close. Dewey surprisingly dodged most of the bullets that were being shot at him even though he could see the bullets flying next to him but Dewey had been trained too well for this. He continued to run in zig-zags confusing the guards and agents who were shooting at the young duck but he was by far F.O.W.L's best agent and he never brought his guard down.

"Hold on!" Dewey suddenly yelled before jumping out of a cave entrance, while Webby screamed as she felt both their bodies plummeting to the ground. All of a sudden Webby didn't feel her body being dragged down instead she felt herself being launched forward with great velocity.

"What?" she asked still closing her eyes.

"Open your eyes Webby," Dewey said calmly.

The first thing to appear to the girl was a blue sky and clouds but they weren't falling instead they were moving forward. Webby then noticed that Dewey was propelling forward with high speed.

"How are you-"

"Jet-propulsion boots, pretty neat huh?" he said while holding her tighter.

"We need to get to the manor fast," he added before speeding up, Webby meanwhile could see all of Duckburg below her, the sun was up already and the city was visible from down below. She'd seen this view a dozen times when adventuring with her family but she'd never thought that she would particularly see it in this scenario with the boy of her dreams holding her while they both soared through the air.

"Dewey?" she asked while he flew above the city.


"Besides the fact that we are probably being hunted down right now...this is our first time doing something crazy after such a long time," she said facing upward to see him, both their faces were really close.

"I know...but I've kind of missed it," he said with a smile.

"Kind of?" she asked with a sly smile.

"Ok fine...I've missed it a lot but to be honest I've missed my family more...I've missed you Webby and I'm happy to be on your good side again," he admitted.

"You're not on my good side yet," she said sternly.

"Huh? But I thought-"

"You have to take me to Funzo's once this blows over then we'll be really okay," she said with a laugh.

"Deal," he said before spotting the manor and landing.

Webby and Dewey both ran quickly to the manor's front doors banging loudly on the door.

"What on Earth is goin on here?" a voice echoed behind the manor's doors only to be later opened.

"Kids?" Uncle Donald said looking at the pair in total relief.

"Uncle Donald I need to tell you all something and it's very important, I don't know how much time we have left but F.O.W.L is on their way to hunt us down," Dewey said frantically.

"I know and we are ready, come in both of you," he said before letting them in.

All of the family, including Violet, Lena, Gosalyn, GizmoDuck, Darkwing Duck, Launchpad and Penumbra were in the manor's living room.

"Kids are you okay?" Della said approaching both of them with a worried look.

"Mom...I'm so sorry this is all my fault," Dewey said lowering his head.

"I shouldn't have hidden the truth from you back then but I'm just happy to see both of you are safe," she said hugging both her son and Webby.

"They are on their way to the manor," Webby added.

"We know that is why we are all here," Lena said crossing her arms.

"Webby you shouldn't have snuck out like that though you could have gotten hurt," Lena said frustratingly at her friend before dropping on her shoulder and giving her a hug.

"I was supposed to be the rebellious one, not you, do you have any idea how worried we all were?" she cried onto her shoulder.

"I'm sorry guys I just had to sort some stuff out," she admitted.

"We're just happy to see you guys safe," Huey said wrapping an arm around his brother's arm.

"I'm going to kill you after this though," Louie added facing Dewey.

"We will get through this together," Violet said with a smile.

"Webby?" Mrs.Beakly said approaching her granddaughter, Webby only looked at her grandmother with a frown, she'd lied to her out of all the people she trusted, she had just lied to her.

"Granny...why did you lie to me?" Webby suddenly spoke up while Dewey frowned he knew where this would be going.

"Webby I know how you must feel right now but let me explain-"

"No grandmother, I know mom and dad left me to work for F.O.W.L and that they are in some alien dimension now thanks to that along with Dewey's dad, why didn't you tell me?" she said feeling hurt. Mrs. Beakly only sighed before beginning to explain Webby's background.

"Webby your mother and father never truly worked for F.O.W.L they were menaced to do so by a corrupt superior that was running S.H.U.S.H at that time. Your parents built the machine in hopes of protecting were only an egg at the time and even though we tried to put an end to F.O.W.L...we couldn't. This interdimensional portal would break the existence of all living beings so your parents added a mechanism were only Vanderquack blood would be able to access the your parents sucked themselves on purpose to avoid the portal ever being able to activate and with that Dewey's father who was trying to stop this was also sucked in with them. I'm so sorry Webby but I only wanted to protect you and I've failed now that F.O.W.L knows of your existence they want your blood," she explained before sighing.

"Granny," Webby said with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry," she said before Webby leaped to hug her grandmother tightly.

"Thanks, Granny I just needed the truth," Webby said with a smile.

"I know child," she said before hugging her back.


"I guess they're here," GizmoDuck said shrugging.

"We can do this but we must do it together," Daisy said while grabbing Donald's hand (they are married in this au).

"Agreed, get ready, it's going to get messy," Della said with a confident smile.

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