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It was so cold. It went by too fast and now that the truth was uncovered, Della was trying to talk into her son before matters got worst.

"Dewey I am so sorry but I was only trying to protect you!" she tried reasoning with him.

"No mom! You were only trying to protect yourself!" he screamed back, tears were present in the young duck's eyes whose were usually bright and joyful but were pained at this moment.

"Dewey calm down, mom has a point." Huey tried talking to his brother but that didn't work either.

"Calm down lad," Scrooge tried as well.

"Dude chill, we can figure this out," Louie said feeling afraid at his brother's outburst, Dewey was broken.

"No...none of you care but I do and I'm not going to let you get away with this!" he yelled before storming out of the mansion and into the dark and rainy night with his family running after him but he was gone.

Webbigail Vanderquack was probably the most desperate one, Webby had been her best friend and deep down he'd become more than that to her. She needed him and now he'd run off to who knows where and that was dangerous, he could get seriously hurt. All the McDuck family went to search for the young boy but had no avail after hours of searching in the dark and rain.

"It's no use, he's gone," Della said in despair only to be hugged by her brother who was also desperate to find his nephew.

"We'll search in de mornin Della," Scrooge suggested which she agreed to even though she was desperate to find her son.

Webby on the other hand did not agree and ran off far away to find Dewey for herself even if she could hear her family call out for her. She couldn't loose him not now...except she did.

(*COMPLETED*)New Beginnings: A Ducktales Debbigail FanficWhere stories live. Discover now