Chapter 14

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Webby got in her fighting position before the doors burst open to reveal Dram with a large group of F.O.W.L agents behind him armed to the top with guns.

"They're too many," Webby whispered under her breath.

"Hello McDuck family and...other people, just turn in the girl and everything will be fine," Dram said playing with his knife.

"What girl?" Della said in a mocking tone.

"You know what I'm talking about Della and I recommend you do if you want to ever see your husband again," he menaced.

"Yeah thanks but I think we'll pass," Della responded but Dram only laughed.

"We know who will win this fight Della just give it up," he said but Della only smirked.

"Never," that's when hell broke loose and the war began with clan McDuck and F.O.W.L, gunshots fired in different and some blood began to cover the manor's floors. 

Webby found herself fighting as well even though her life was the most at risk. She fought with all her might and will power-hitting every F.O.W.L agent she came across. Her adrenaline had never been so high as she felt her fists hit various faces and her legs kick in an extremely fast way she wouldn't have originally believed it. Webby looked over to Dewey who was also fighting since his arm had fully healed with that curative serum, she'd never seen him this angry, this must be a first. Dewey also fought with so much intensity as he felt his veins pop out from his muscles which were bulging while he felt his fists attack who were once his partners. His blood pumped quickly throughout his body while he fought for his life and his family's, he had been lied to by the people he thought he could trust. Dram had told him, bringing his father would be plausible and that hurting Webby would be out of the question but it had all been a sick lie one for revenge and selfish desires but he'd make it up now. All the McDuck family and friends fought fiercely, Lena fought with her magic, Huey and Violet used their homemade canon, and Louie surprisingly called a few more allies who arrived after. Glomgold and Mark arrived soon with more S.H.U.S.H agents and Scrooge who had also healed almost fully.

F.O.W.L's forces were weakening as clan McDuck and S.H.U.S.H began to bring down its long-term nemesis and Webby felt a bit relieved after having more help with them that is until...

"Augh!" Webby yelped as she felt a sharp pain in her left rib, she had been stabbed and that is when she met a familiar pair of eyes.

"Jason?" Webby weakly said before dropping to the floor.

"Webby!" Dewey screamed while he saw her friend drop to the floor, blood oozing from her body, and Jason holding a blood sampler in one hand.

"We have what we need, let's scram!" Dram yelled before jumping onto a helicopter and his forces disappearing, some F.O.W.L agents having being arrested but the rest managing to escape. 

"Oh, no Webby!" Dewey yelled while running to her frantically.

"Webby!" her family and friends also exclaimed while running towards her.

"She's bleeding a lot!" Dewey said panicking while holding her limp body.

"We need to stop the bleeding and take her to a hospital," Huey said while taking out a bandage from his hat and wrapping her side.

"C'mon let's hurry!" Lena said while helping Dewey put Webby on her van.

Dewey paced around the hospital floor while he waited outside for the doctor's news on his best friend. It had been an hour and it was very probable that Dram was already going on with his plans, Dewey did not know what they were exactly besides ruling the Earth with an alien race but that was it. There were currently S.H.U.S.H agents on Dram's tail right now along with GizmoDuck, Darkwing, Boyd, and Gosalyn who procrastinated on leaving Webby but eventually went on with her father. It had been a long day from almost kissing Webby to seeing her limp on the floor covered in blood. Dewey could feel his feathers crunching under his teeth as he bit them, the tension was killing him.

"McDuck and Duck family?" the doctor suddenly said with a clipboard in his hand.

"How is Webby?" Dewey was the first one to speak up.

"How is my granddaughter," Mrs. Beakly asked also worryingly.

"Her wound was deep and she did lose a lot of blood but not enough to send her into a coma, luckily our curative serum was able to heal her wound for the most part but she needs to rest for another hour or so I suppose," the doctor explained.

"Can we see her?" Dewey asked.

"That's fine but only three members at a time," he said before leaving.

Mrs. Beakly, Scrooge, and Della were the first ones to check up on Webby who was already awake after Scrooge suggested Dewey should go last to get the most privacy with her. After that, it was Donald, Daisy, and Goldie until it was just Huey, Louie, Violet, and Lena the only exception of four to enter. Dewey didn't know what they could all be possibly talking to her about but they didn't take long, they had to leave after all to join to hunt for F.O.W.L.

"Can you take care of her while we're gone?" Scrooge asked Dewey.

"I will Uncle Scrooge," he responded before giving his uncle a tight hug and running into Webby's room.

Upon entering Webby's hospital room, Dewey first noted how pale she looked from her blood loss and her messy hair which was missing its bow.

"Hey Webbs," Dewey said before sitting on her bed.

"Hey Dewey," she responded a little weakly.

"How do you feel?" he asked with a slight frown.

"I've had worse but I'm better now," she responded with a soft smile.

"Are they after them?" she asked suddenly.

"Yeah, they're hunting Dram down right now, the rest of the family left just a while ago for that," Dewey explained.

"Oh," was all she responded before noticing Dewey's eyes which were becoming red.

"I'm so sorry Webby...this is all my fault, it's my fault you got hurt...I don't think I'll be able to forgive myself," he said clenching his eyes shut as some tears began to flow down his face until he felt Webby's hand reach his.

"You only wanted to save your father Dewey and I don't blame you for that, we have been chasing F.O.W.L down for a long time so it's not your fault," she said squeezing his hand lightly.

"I have to make this right Webby, it's not fair for our family to be risking their lives out there, I can't have this happen again," he said standing up.

"What do you mean Dewey? You aren't planning on taking on this by yourself are you?" she asked worryingly.

"I can't have this happen again, I can't lose you," he said looking away from her.

"You aren't going to lose me Dewey but I can't lose you either...Dewey just look at me," she pleaded while clenching his hand, he then looked at her with a sad gaze before grabbing her by the waist and placing his lips on hers. How long had she'd been wishing for this? Webby could feel his warm beak roam hers with so much hunger, she felt that hunger she had held in grow more as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pull him on top of her while he continued to kiss her passionately until both of them were out of air.

"I'm sorry Webby," he said before shooting a dart at her neck this time sending her into a deep slumber, this would be for her own good.

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