Chapter 5

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Author's Note: Hey guys if you are new here then my author name is Autum and this is my DuckTales fanfic. I hope you are enjoying it so far because it is going to be great. Honestly, I was a little bit disappointed after I heard DT 2017 was cancelled but I'm still going to write this which is what I would imagine for the future. Hope y'all enjoy and don't forget to follow me on Instagram (autumwritesofficial)

If there was one thing you could call Louie Duck, it would be lazy but right now he felt desperate and afraid for who he considered his sister. It had been more than an hour since Webby left running and they simply couldn't find her. They'd called everyone they knew that including her grandmother who was also desperately searching for her granddaughter. There had been no sign of her anywhere and Louie was suddenly to fear that something bad could have happened to her.

"Any news yet?" Louie asked his brother Huey.

"No one so far," Huey told his brother.

"Where on Earth could Webby be?" Lena asked feeling frustrated after Webby's panic attack.

"We shouldn't have forced her to do this, I mean Webby has been dealing with a lot of stuff for these past four years," Violet argued.

"I'm just praying that she's alright," Lena said while clenching onto her phone.

"Sorry about all that Jason, Webby is usually not like that," Lena explained to her friend.

"That's okay I just want to make sure she's safe," the handsome responded.

That's when Webby's text message reached her friends and they all looked even more worried.

"At a friend's house?" Huey asked after reading the message.

"What friend?" Louie asked also reading the text message.

"I don't know guys but this seems off, she'd tell us who right?" Huey said while looking at the message as well.

"I'll ask her where she is at," Lena said while quickly typing in her message.


"She's at Gosalyn's, she said sorry but that she needs some time to think," Lena replied.

"I guess we did force Webby into something she didn't want to do," Violet remarked frowning.

"Maybe we should leave her be for now and wait till she comes back, at least we know she's at Gosalyn's place," Louie stated.

"I guess you're right, I think she needs some space," Lena agreed.

"C'mon guys lets go home," she added before the group left yet still with a bit worried about Webby.

The next morning, Webby woke up to the rays of light hitting her face. Her back ached and her eyes felt swollen from last night, Dewey was not the same Dewey from four years ago. He was long lost from the sweet twelve-year-old boy she'd fallen in love with instead he'd become something cruel and far more dangerous. Webby groaned after standing up from bed, she already had Dewey here but she wasn't sure what exactly she'd do with him.

Would she turn him in to S.H.U.S.H?

Take him home? Nope that would be a bad idea.

Lock him up forever? Now that was just mentally deranged.

She'd figure that out later right now she was starving and needed something to eat after not having anything last night apart from all the drama that had happened.

Webby made her way to the kitchen were Gos was already eating some cereal.

"Here I served you some," Gos said pushing a bowl towards Webby.

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