Chapter 3

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Webby's heart kept beating rapidly as she snuck back into the manor. Dewey was a F.O.W.L agent, he'd left his family and her to become a F.O.W.L agent. This infuriated and pained her while tears kept streaming down her face. She couldn't forgive him but she wouldn't let him off that easily either. He was a F.O.W.L agent therefor he was her enemy and her enemies never got any mercy. Dewey's death hurt but this, well this just killed her inside. Webby jumped into her bedroom before dropping herself onto her bed where she sobbed uncontrollably. How could he have betrayed them all? She thought that maybe he'd love her too but apparently his family meant nothing to him if he went through these depths. He could've at least said he was okay but nope he just went off to help the enemy. Once, Webby felt her eyes drain, she got ready, ready for what would be coming at Dewey Duck.

Webby planned her confrontation with her old friend, he wouldn't see it coming and she'd get the closure she needed. It took a couple of hours for Webby to develop her plan and a few calls to Gos who was reluctant at first but later agreed to help her with this mission. The clock hit six o'clock and Webby felt satisfied with her plan so she simply dropped herself on bed to take a nap before she'd put her plan into effect.

"Hey Webbs, ya ready?"

Oh no.

"We will make you look astounding."

"Hey Violet."

"Hey Lena."

Webby only tried to hold herself together, how could she have forgotten she agreed to go out on a blind date with her friends tonight. Both her friends looked ecstatic though with various makeup bags and a blow drier. What had she gotten herself into?

Both girls giggled while sitting Webby down on a chair as they begun their "magic" while she patiently waited for them to be done. She didn't know what exactly the girls would be doing to her but she trusted them. She could only feel their fingers as they applied different products and did her hair.

"Ready!" both girls exclaimed at the same time after what seemed like hours. Webby grabbed the nearby mirror only to be surprised by her reflection.

She did not look like herself even though she knew it couldn't be anyone else's reflection. The mascara and cyan eyeshadow made her eyes look much bigger and her cheeks were slightly tinted pink. Her hair was let loose with slight curls at the end of it, no pink bow present. She looked different but a good kind of different.

"I can't believe this is what I look like right now," Webby said examining her features.

"You can thank us later after you meet this guy, he's super cool," Lena said in a teasing manner.

"Who is he by the way?" Webby asked curiously.

"You'll meet him soon," Lena explained with a smirk.

"Where are we going anyway," Webby asked feeling a bit unsure.

"That's also a surprise," she commented before tossing her an outfit.

"I am not wearing this," Webby said shoving it back.

"By my research this outfit will allow you to appear either 'cute' or 'sexy' tonight," Violet snickered.


"Just wear it Webbs, we picked it out just for you," Lena exclaimed.

"If Granny sees me in this she'll kill me," Webby said while both her cheeks flamed a bright red.

"But she won't see it because we'll take care of that," Lena said.

"Guys I'm not sure about this," Webby said rubbing her arm.

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