Chapter 16

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There were a lot of spaceships coming out of the sky and by a lot like maybe a million ships until the mother ship finally came out with its threatening shadow casting over like a plague.

"Ahh my old friend," Dram said with a sly smile until the mother ship cast a beam to the floor and appeared a scarier version of Penny's alien civilization.

"I see you still are here in this dirt hole," the creature spoke in fluent English, the old alien-like creature spoke while stroking her black hair. Both Dewey and Webby looked at each other raising a brow.

"Welcome Angela to Earth," Dram said a little too dramatically (pun not intended).

"Hello Dram who are these Earthlings whom you have tied up here?" she spoke in a bored manner.

"This here is Vanderquack's and Agent 34's children," Dram explained.

"Ahh so these are the offspring of those idiots," she said annoyingly.

"Our parents are still alive?" Webby spoke up.

"Shut it, girl," Dram spat but Angela only looked at her with a raised brow.

"I'm not sure girl, but I hope they're not," she said before facing Dram again.

"So Dram we are here to do your bidding but I hope you keep your part of the deal as well," she said lacing her fingers.

"Of course my lord," he said before Angela nodded and pointed at all of Duckburg with her fingers. All of a sudden the fleet of ships began abducting civilians from the streets while blasting some buildings in the process. Webby and Dewey only looked in horror while their hometown became covered in fire and chaos.

"Well thank you for being a quiet audience but..." Dram said while calling one of his agents. A dark wolf with a uniform came into their view along with a duck agent.

"Throw them over," Dram instructed.

"What?!" both Dewey and Webby yelled in unison.

"Now," he said before getting onto the mother ship next to Angela. Both agents then dragged both Webby and Dewey and dragged them over the building even though their cries were loud only for them to hear. 

"Let us go please," Webby pleaded but it was no use, they dragged them with no hesitation until grabbing them by the sides and throwing them over the large building.

Both Dewey and Webby screamed as they felt their bodies inch closer to the ground beneath them, they would now both die and in the most ironic way together. As both ducks felt their death become more transparent both of them felt a sudden pair of hands hold them preventing them from meeting their deaths.

Neither Webby nor Dewey could see who was carrying them since whoever it was, was moving really fast and had their face covered with a gray mantel only a pair of old goggles was visible. All of a sudden both Dewey and Webby felt an abrupt stop before landing behind one of the standing buildings in Duckburg.

"You kids okay?" it asked in a masculine voice.

"I think so," Webby said breathing heavily.

"Who are you?" Dewey asked curiously, whoever this was looked worn out, his clothes looked old and ragged plus add a metallic robot arm.

"Oh sorry, I can't even see myself with this on," he said before taking off his mantel and goggles, that's when a new man appeared in front of Dewey. His hair was long and tied into a ponytail and his features reminded him of someone he knew fondly even though he couldn't place his finger on it. Webby also noted the huge resemblance between the two, almost as if this man was...

"Sir do we know you by any chance?" Webby asked.

"You two look very familiar but I don't reckon I've met you folks yet especially after being stuck in that stupid alien hole," he remarked, that's when both Dewey and Webby knew and Dewey's eyes filled with tears in his eyes.

" he quacked out.

"I'm confused," he said raising a brow.

"I'm Dewford, mom wanted to call me Turbo but I ended up being Dewey," Dewey explained.

"Wait kid who's your mom?" he asked raising a brow again.

"Della...Della Duck," Dewey responded.

"Della is alive?! But that means that you are son!" he said before picking up Dewey and hugging him tightly.

"Oh! I'm so sorry for leaving you kids behind. Are your brothers okay? Is your mom okay?" he asked frantically.

"They are dad...I actually joined F.O.W.L to find you," Dewey said rubbing his arm.

"I don't blame you, son, I'm just happy to be with you again and I'm not leaving any of you again," he said hugging Dewey again.

"Sorry, Mr.Duck?" Webby asked the man.

"Oh Dewey you didn't introduce me to your girlfriend," he responded with a light chuckle.

"This is Webby dad, Webbigail Vanderquack," he responded but the man's smile faded.

"Nice to meet you, sir," Webby responded politely.

"Don't sir me just call me Daniel," he responded with a smile.

"Do you know where my parents are sir? I heard they got sucked into the portal the day you were there," Webby asked, that's when his smile faded and was replaced with a frown.

"I don't know Webby, last time I saw them was at the portal and after that, they were gone," he responded sadly.

"Are you...are you sure?" she asked as her voice cracked.

"I'm afraid so, I landed in the outskirts of Kederon but I didn't see your parents anywhere, I tried searching for them for months but to no avail," he explained with a somber tone.

"Kederon?" Dewey asked.

"That's the name of the alien planet I was on."

"You knew my parents?" Webby asked.

"I did, we worked together for S.H.U.S.H until they were held hostage for F.O.W.L...I'm sorry about that I wish I knew where they were too."

"Are you okay Webby?" Dewey asked her with concern.

"I'm okay Dewey...but I am not going to let them get away with this especially Dram," she said sounding angry.

"I know how to stop the machine, there is a specific passcode your parents created but we need to go up there," he said pointing at the portal which was guarded by alien ships.

"How do we avoid getting caught," Dewey asked.

"That's going to be the risky and fun part," Daniel said with a smile.

"Son like father," Webby whispered but Dewey only sent her a smile which she returned, even if she didn't get her parents back, she'd fight for the family she had now.

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