Chapter 1

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It has been four years. Four years of life and now all the young ducks have grown to be far more mature and older than they were before those four years at the age of twelve. It has also been four years since Dewey's death and everyone has seemed to move on with life despite that except for one.

Webby stood in her room still at the mansion while getting ready for her day. She was a new recruit for S.H.U.S.H. being recently hired that year for only certain missions but at least it gave her some money to get through by life and help her Granny out. She quietly yet quickly put on her uniform which consisted of a strapless gray top and black leggings revealing only part of her form which was far more pronounced than when she was a young duckling. Her hair had also grown longer which she regularly held up with her signature pink bow. Webby had grown into a young lady but her attitude and personality had also changed drastically. The now older duck had become the contrast of her jumpy and curious personality to a much more reserved and quieter one that barely shared anything about herself anymore. The young duck had changed yet today she had been quieter than usual, today was the anniversary of Dewey's death and although no one mentioned it, Webby had always kept it in mind. Webby sighed before going out of her room and hopefully out of the manor before anyone spotted her. The last thing she wanted to do today was talk to anyone.

"Hey Webbs!"

So much for that.

"Hey Louie," she said trying to sound casual.

"You going out somewhere?" he asked her curiously.

"I have work today Louie," she stated simply walking past the green duck who still wore the same hoodie with brown khakis.

"I thought this was your week off?" he asked taking a sip of his Pep.

"Is it?" Webby asked slightly confused but then face palmed herself.

"Yeah...this is the second time this week you come out in your uniform," he said looking at her raising a brow.

"Sorry, I've just had my head in the clouds these days," she said rubbing her temples.

"It's about him, isn't it?" he said looking at her straight in the eyes.


"I know what this is all about Webby but you need to get over it and focus more on yourself," Louie stated getting closer to her.

"I'm fine Louie but..."

"I know it's hard to let go but it's been four years now and you also have a life to live, he's gone but you are still here and there is a lot of people who care about you too," he said approaching her with a light hug which she returned.

"Thanks Louie, but I'm still going to head out. There's something I need to take care of."

Louie didn't respond instead nodded at her before she left off away from the manor, away from the memories.

Before leaving the manor, Webby changed into her regular clothes which consisted on a pink spaghetti strapped shirt and black leggings with purple converse. Today was the anniversary of Dewey's death and Webby had made it a tradition to go to the cemetery to visit him on that day for the last four years just to talk to him even though he wasn't there, Webby still felt the need to go there for her sanity. The trauma of that day had weighed on her so much and even though that load had diminished there was still something that prevented her from leaving the past behind, she was still in love with him despite him being gone.

Webby made her way to Dewey's grave which was right below a green oak tree far away from the other graves which made it more private. Scrooge had wanted it that way and Webby somehow enjoyed the idea of having some privacy on this day.

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