Chapter 11

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Scrooge found himself clenching onto his arm with his free hand while feeling his blood ooze down to the floor. Dewey had been working for F.O.W.L all this time and he knew the reason why but the lad had dug himself into a mess he didn't even know about yet. They'd kidnapped Webby and now all he could do was pray that both his nephew and what he now called his niece would be okay for now at least until he could gather a rescue team. Scrooge groaned as he tried to stand up only to let out a slight whimper, he'd been shot in his arm and it hurt like hell. 

"Scrooge?! What on Earth happened here?!" Glomgold asked his ex-nemesis.

"F.O.W.L was here and they kidnapped my niece and nephew," he said while his old enemy helped him up.

"That means that-"

"It does but right now we need to gather a team to fight them off for good," he said wincing at the pain from his arm.

"You need to go to a hospital Scrooge...I'll get yer wife to start forming the search party," he said bandaging Scrooge's arm with his coat.

"Alright tell Goldie to form a search party, we'll have to infiltrate their headquarters although I don't think they'll be there, where could they be?" Scrooge asked frustratingly.

"You need help, my friend right now we'll worry bout that later," he said before dragging him to a safer spot before getting an ambulance.

Webby woke up with incredible pain in her head like someone had beat her with a bat against her skull. 

"Where am I?" she asked to herself while seeing she was behind metal bars in a cave-like environment. 

"In a lair of course," a voice spoke to reveal a Dram Karnage looking at her with an evil grin.

"What do you want from me?! How do you know my parents?!" she asked angrily though she was far angrier at Dewey for his betrayal.

"All in good time Webbigail for now just get some rest, you're going to need it for later on," he said before walking away into another cave entrance.

Webby looked around her cell, her hands were cuffed in front of her and she could see that she wasn't wearing her gown but a strapless black jumpsuit which revealed her back and her form as well. 

Webby felt sick to her core, she had been recruited by S.H.U.S.H just to help F.O.W.L, some of this plan started to make sense, a group of agents had betrayed S.H.U.S.H to allow F.O.W.L's follow up to whatever this plan was. She didn't know what her kidnapping would benefit this but she knew one thing for sure, she'd been lied to by many people she thought she trusted. Her grandmother knew something about her parents she didn't and this man had something to do with it. Her head was rambling with so many questions, could her parents even be alive, and if they were why didn't her grandmother say anything? Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps and she felt her blood drain, what were they going to do with her?

"Webby?" Dewey's voice spoke before he became visible.

Webby only looked at him with anger before she spat at him with so much hatred. Dewey only wiped the saliva off his face with his hand before grabbing the iron bars with both of his hands.

"Webby I know you probably hate me right now-"

"You think?! You lied to me Dewford and I can't believe how I fell for it! It's my fault for actually trusting you...I should've just shot you when I had the chance," she said angrily.

"Look Webby you don't understand!"

"Then make me understand Dewey! Why did you do this?! To your family?! To me?!" every inch of her body was shaking.

"It's complicated Webby," he said trying to compose himself.

"No Dewey. You are the complicated one and you lied to us, you lied to me...I thought that you were dead Dewey, dead! When I found out you were alive even though working for F.O.W.L I felt relieved...but now I really wish you were dead," she said crying in between her words. Those words stabbed Dewey "wish you were dead" and it made him do something he never did during those four years he worked in F.O.W.L, he began to cry.

"It was for dad," he finally said between his tears.

"What?" Webby asked dumbfounded.

"I gotta go now," he said before turning his back on her and running in the opposite direction.

"Wait Dewey!" she called out but he was gone.

'What is going on here?' Webby though as she was alone again.

At Duckburg's Hospital, Goldie O' Gilt McDuck ran through the hospital doors in an urge to check on her husband, who'd she'd married two years ago. 

"Scrooge McDuck," she told the receptionist.

"Room 23," the receptionist said before she bolted away through the corridors.

Goldie felt her heart sink at the sight of her husband laying down on his hospital bed with a bloodied bandage on his arm.

"Oh Scrooge, what did you get yourself into this time?" she said going over to him.

"F.O.W.L got Webby and Dewey," those words were enough for Goldie to understand what was going on.

"I see but you are wounded right now," she said examining her husband.

"I know darling, that is why I need your help," he said holding her hand.

"What do you need me to do?" 

"F.O.W.L has the kids?!" Della said exasperatingly after Goldie came to the mansion at first.

"I'm afraid they do, that is why we need everyone for what's coming  Della, Dewey he has been working for F.O.W.L all these years," she explained. 

"Ok now it's a fact, I'm going to kill Dewey," Huey said angrily.

"Dude chill, we don't even know what's going on," Louie noted.

"You can kill him after we save the world though," he added clenching his fists.

"This is all my fault if I'd just told Webby the truth none of this would have happened," Beakley said covering her face with her hands.

"How are we goin to stop Dram?" Donald asked.

"We need to get everyone if we want to stop F.O.W.L, Scrooge told me to get you first...he's at the hospital, he got shot but he is better now."

"Ok let's all calm down...what do they want Webby for?" Della asked.

Webby sat still in her cell unable to do anything, she was still confused about everything that was going on. Dewey apparently joined F.O.W.L for something related to his father and this has something to do with her own parents. There were so many questions and very few answers but that was how all adventures went even if this one was on a much more personal level. 

Footsteps were suddenly heard again except this time it wasn't Dewey but two F.O.W.L agents who opened her cell and pulled her out by the handcuffs. Webby didn't know whether to fight them or follow them somehow she was also curious and wanted to know what this would all lead to. To the answers, she'd been secretly searching for and maybe she'd get in this scenario.

"Move along," one of the dog guards growled as they pushed Webby into one of the dark cold caves only for her to be eye to eye with Dram Karnage and also Dewey who didn't show any emotion.

'What did I get myself into?'

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