Chapter 7

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"Hello?" Webby called out inside the darkness that surrounded her.

"Is anyone out there," she called out again but nothing, no one was here so she continued to walk in a straight path hoping she'd find someone or a light to guide her. 

This place made her feel uneasy, it felt as if it could swallow her up at any moment yet it only continued to tease her.

It was until Webby was able to see a crouched shadow who seemed to be laughing while its shoulders inched up and down.

"Hello?" Webby called out to the figure which suddenly flashed a light to reveal a young Dewey in front of her.

"Oh no..." Webby said feeling the air in her lungs leave.

The young Dewey did not say anything until out of nowhere his shirt began to bleed and he suddenly grew into the teenage Dewey.

"This was your fault Webby," it cooed softly.


"You were late and this is what happened," it repeated softly until the pool of blood formed on the floor and reached her webbed feet.

"No...this isn't real," she said while shutting her eyes before opening them and finding herself back at the rainy streets where it had all happened.

Her fingers felt heavy until she looked down to see Dewey's dead body on top of her arms.

"Dewey?" no response.



"Dewey!" her voice echoed loudly in the manor.

"Webby? What's wrong?" he asked upon running into her room.

"Stop! Stop it!" she continued to scream in her sleep.

"Webby wake up I'm right here," he said shaking her body slightly.

Webby's eyes flew open with tears pouring out of them until her gaze landed on Dewey's and her arms wrapped around his torso while she began to cry uncontrollably on him.

"You idiot! Why did you have to be dead?! Why?!" she cried onto his chest while holding him tightly.

Dewey only let her take out everything on him, this was what Huey had meant by Webby suffering from nightmares and he had been the cause of that.

"It's okay Webby I'm alive and well, see?" he said lifting her chin so she could see him.

Webby only looked at him for a second before her eyelids half-closed while Dewey's gaze fell on hers, her heart suddenly began to beat uncontrollably on her chest while he continued to hold her close. 

"Stay," she half-whispered to the duck in front of her.

"Umm...I don't know if that is-"

"Please...don't leave," she begged him and Dewey felt his cheeks grow hot at the request she had given him but obliged and shifted his body onto the bed while Webby scooted her body close to his.

Dewey felt a little uneasy in the situation he was in right now, Webby was hugging his entire body while she was sound asleep which meant he could feel her on top of him.

It wasn't necessarily unpleasant just different and that was what made him gather that uneasy feeling until Webby's position shifted and her head now rested on his chest with one of her hands resting on it as well. That's when Dewey's face felt hot again and his heart began to beat against his ribcage. 

What had he gotten himself into?

Sorry for the short chapter but I promise the next one will be longer, for now, don't forget to follow me on Instagram (autumwritesofficial) for more content :)

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