Chapter 12

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Dewey's face had no emotion even though his eyes were slightly red which meant he had been crying. Webby only looked at him with a frown on her face, did she really know the entire scope of his story? Had she messed up when she misjudged him?

"Welcome Webbigail," Dram Karnage said suddenly grabbing her attention.

"Why am I here?" she asked facing her new enemy.

"Ahhh that's a very good question and the answer is very simple my dear," he said while pacing around the cave-like room.

"Stop meddling with me and just tell me," she said annoyingly there was a pause before he smirked evilly at her.

"I need your blood," he said finally making the color in her face drain and her feathers get goosebumps.

" blood?" she quivered.

"You see Webbigail, while you were only a duckling your parents worked for S.H.U.S.H but transferred to F.O.W.L shortly after you were born," the man began to explain.

"And what does that have to do with me?" Webby asked.

"A lot as a matter of factly," he said before pulling a sheet off a machine that looked like a portal of some sort from those sci-fi movies she'd watched with the triplets.

"Your parents built this portal that would open up to a civilization of extraterrestrial warriors that would help F.O.W.L conquer the world but instead they were sucked into it," he added while sounding annoyed at the last part.

"What but that's a parents would have never worked for F.O.W.L," she said dumbfounded.

"Your grandmother hasn't told you the whole story Webby but I'm only stating the facts and your parents abandoned you to work here but there's a catch this portal can only be opened with blood from any Vanderquack family member...and the only one left is you," he said approaching the girl menacingly.

"I'll never give you my blood!" she screamed trying to pull away from her handcuffs.

"I'm not asking you, dear," he said before pulling out a knife and grabbing her wrist, Webby only tried to wriggle herself free but it was no use, Dram's grip was too strong and she was tied up against her will. Webby looked around to see if Dewey was still around but didn't spot him anywhere.

"Help!" the young girl screamed.

"No one will help you now," he said before directing the knife at her throat. Webby shut her eyes expecting the worse, she wouldn't get the whole story now, instead, she'd die in the grasp of a man who she hated even if she barely knew him.

"What the? Get off me you fool!" the man screamed all of a sudden. Webby opened her eyes to see Dewey on top of Dram Karanage while he backed down.

"Run Webby!" Dewey screamed only to get pushed by Dram and receive a stab in his right arm.

"Augh!" Dewey's blood oozed down the cave's floors while Webby desperately ran to him.

"Dewey!" she screamed.

"Get out of here Webbs," he said in a weak voice.

"Not without you," she said pushing his body up with her shoulder.

"You brats!" Dram yelled while aiming at both of them with his knife, Webby only kicked him in the stomach with her untied legs to send him stumbling back while she tried to drag Dewey somewhere safe. After what seemed like forever she found a small lab while she put Dewey's limp body down.

The smell of his blood flooded her nose while she tried to find a way to untie herself, she couldn't lose him not like this not now when she'd barely gotten him back.

"Use the's on the counter," Dewey said while Webby rummaged through the desks.

Webby untied herself quickly only to rush to Dewey who was badly injured, this was bad, this was really bad. His blood was on her jumpsuit and all over his gray shirt, Webby looked again around the lab for something to stop the bleeding with.

"Bingo!" she said after finding some cloth and curative serum before treating Dewey's wound.

"Webby...augh...I'm sorry I lied to father was sucked in with your parents," he explained while groaning in pain.

"'s okay I understand Dewey," she said while she continued to treat his wound.

"Mom...told us the truth, he was trying to stop F.O.W.L from opening the portal but he was sucked into that dimension too, I wanted to find him and joined F.O.W.L in hopes of maybe being able to rescue him but Dram only lied to me...he wants to take over the world with his new army," Dewey explained but Webby only looked at him with pain and regret in her eyes...he betrayed his family sure but he was just being Dewey.

"Oh Dewey, why didn't you say anything?" she said grabbing his face with both of her hands.

"They threatened to kill you and my family if I said anything or went back," he said lowering his head.

"I'm so sorry Webby, I lied to all of you and I-" but he was cut off by Webby wrapping her arms around his waist and pulling him into a hug.

"Dewey your such an idiot but to be honest I'm happy you're alive and I've missed you so much...I need you, Dewey," she said while getting her beak close to his.

"I need you too Webby," he said inching his beak to hers but their moment was cut off when loud footsteps emerged into the room.

"Find them and don't let them escape," Dram's voice boomed while both teens hid behind one of the desks.

"We need to get out of here," Webby whispered.

"I know the way, follow me," Dewey said crouching next to her.

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