Chapter 10

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Dewey felt his blood drain as his grip on Webby grew tighter now he knew what the purpose of this mission was and why she had been brought here. This had all been calculated by F.O.W.L and he knew Webby was the key element in all of this. 

"Dewey let go!" she protested but he wouldn't budge.

"We need to get out of here," he harshly whispered.

"Dewey I am not up for your childish games right now, I am on an important mission right now," she responded sternly.

'Agent 27 we need you to report to the west wing immediately," Commander 67 spoke through her microphone.

"I'll be there," Webby said before harshly pushing Dewey aside and making her way to the west wing unaware of Dewey's preoccupation.

"Webby wait!" but she had disappeared into the crowd to where her commander had called her.

Webby arrived at the west wing which consisted of separate rooms and long corridors that anyone could get lost in.

"I am here Commander 67," she spoke once she spotted her.

"Good now that you are alone we can proceed with our plan," the woman smirked evilly.

"Huh?" that was when all hell broke loose and she took out a gun pointing it at Webby.

"What are you doing?" she asked confused by her superior's actions.

"Don't you understand sweetie, there was no artifact only a target," she said menacingly while still pointing the gun at her.

"Good job Annika" a voice spoke from the shadows.

"Who is there?" Webby asked trying to figure out the shape that lurked in front of her.

"Oh, where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself," the figure said revealing itself to be what looked like Don Karnage but he looked far more wolf-like and gray in his fur color. He also looked older and more menacing than Don Karnage ever did.

"Don Karnage?" Webby asked.

"Not quite Webbigail dear," it spoke while looking at its claws.

"How do you know my name?" she asked clenching her fists.

"Slow down dear, I am not Don Karnage but his uncle Dram Karnage, and unlike my nephew who is a fool I have managed to run this organization fairly well after our past agents betrayed us," he spat.

"What do you want from me?" she asked questioning him.

"You'll see very soon but first...I'd like you to meet the one person who's been helping F.O.W.L in this mission and he succeeded from what it seems," the man said evilly until Webby felt a pit in her stomach, it couldn't be...he couldn't have betrayed her.

"Dewey my boy I knew I could trust you with this mission," he said while Webby got to see her old friend walking from behind her to face her. She didn't know what to feel, this was too much and now she knew she shouldn't have trusted Dewey.

"Dewey?" she quacked, pain and disappointment present in that one word.

"Webby I-" but was cut off.

"Your lover duck here betrayed you Webbigail, we never fired him, and yet you fell for it," Dram Karnage laughed. 

"What do you want?" she asked again with anger filled in every inch of her body.

"I want you, darling, you are the only key I need after your parents screwed it up for me," he said with a hint of annoyance.

"My parents?" Webby asked feeling confused, everything was happening too fast.

Who was this guy?

What did he want?

"How does it feel to have everything taken away from you Webby?" he asked laughing loudly making her eyes well up with tears.

"How could you Dewey?" she asked anger and pain in her voice, he had betrayed her, she had only been recruited by S.H.U.S.H to be dragged into F.O.W.L's plans. Everyone had lied to her, her life was a lie.

"Webby I didn't-"

"Save it! Everything was much better when we all thought you were dead! I wish you were dead!" she yelled at him, this broke Dewey there, his mind went on a slate blank. He couldn't move or feel anything, it was as if he had been frozen in the spot. This isn't what he wanted, he thought he'd gotten over her, but he never did and hearing that from her tore a hole in his heart, he deserved this but it hurt so much.

"Webby? Dewey?" a all too familiar voice called.

"Uncle Scrooge!" Webby yelled but Commander 67 changed her gun aiming it at the man Webby had considered her idol for a long time.

"No!" Webby yelled pushing the gun aside and knocking it to the floor only for the bullet to hit Scrooge on his arm.

"Aghhh!" he groaned holding onto his arm.

"Uncle Scrooge!" both Webby and Dewey yelled in sync but it didn't matter when his knees fell to the floor.

"We need to get a move on," Dram said before shooting a dart at Webby making her fall unconcious to the floor.

"Webby!" Dewey said catching her limp body.

"Agent D we need to leave immediately or else your uncle gets the rest of it," Dram threatened which Dewey only gritted his teeth to, there was nothing he could do at the moment except obey the man he thought he could trust except he had hurt his family.

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