Chapter 15

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Dewey left without looking at the girl he'd fallen in love with while she laid unconscious on her hospital bed with a crumpled hospital gown and messy hair which he wished he could stroke again. This would be for her own good though, he couldn't risk her life or his family's again for his sake even if it meant he'd probably die in this mission. 

Dewey walked outside the hospital with determination running in his mind while he turned on his jet-propulsion boots and floated up in the air. He knew Dram would not return to the cave lair, it would be stupid and he would be found easily but luckily for him, he knew Dram's second hideout location in case of F.O.W.L by any chance would get caught. He had been Dram's second hand on most missions and that meant this one and even though Dewey did not know the cause of the mission until recently he knew all of Dram's moves and that included his new hideout spot. 

Dewey flew over to where he knew he'd find Dram, a top-secret location located in Duckburg itself in one of the most obvious buildings where Dewey knew he'd be operating the machine. No one would bother trying to infiltrate it and Dewey knew this, Scrooge would never imagine his enemy hiding there, it was a careful and clever plan. He had helped construct this scheme when talking it out with Dram at the beginning of the mission with his knowledge on Webby and his family, he felt sick now that he had actually allowed himself to join them and put the people he loved the most at risk for a selfish wish. 

Dewey arrived at the building which was the tallest building in Duckburg prepared for what might be the toughest and maybe last mission he would be on. 

Webby woke up ten minutes after being shot with a tranquilizer, her head felt like if it had been run over by a truck and she felt sore yet rested. The injury on her waist had fully healed thanks to the curative serum she'd also used on Dewey's injury. That's when memories began to flood in again...Dewey had kissed her but he'd also ran off to stop F.O.W.L on his own.

"Crap!" she scowled before jumping off her hospital bed and basically yanking off her IV from her arm. She didn't know where he could be and that scared her, Webby quickly changed into her regular clothes which consisted of her purple spaghetti strapped shirt and black leggings with black sneakers. She also grabbed her spy watch and grappling hook which was surprisingly on top of the armchair. She'd also have to sneak out of the hospital so she opened one of the windows before jumping off with her grappling hook before landing safely on the floor. Webby quickly took out her phone, she tried calling Dewey but it kept getting sent to voice mail. Webby felt worried as she kept hearing the auto voice mail over and over again.

"How can I find him, he could be anywhere," Webby said to herself in frustration until she grabbed her phone and dialed Huey.

"C'mon pick up," she said while pacing herself.

"Hello?" the red duck said on the other end.

"Huey thank goodness," she said with a sigh of relief.

"Webby? What's wrong are you okay?" he asked worryingly.

"I'm fine but look Dewey left to stop F.O.W.L all by himself and I don't know where he went," Webby said quickly through her line.

"Wait?! What?! Hold on," he said while Webby heard him typing on his end.

"Ok I know where he is," he said finally.

"Where is he?!" Webby asked frantically.

"Tallest Building in the Financial District?" Huey said sounding confused.

"Ok I'm on it," Webby said.

"Wait, Webby you're still not fine and you can't go by yourself, we'll be there soon," Huey tried stoping her but she was stubborn.

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