Chapter 9

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Webby went to the manor after being dismissed, she was very excited to tell her family about her promotion and also her first mission. Upon arriving at the manor her grandmother was the first one to notice her early arrival while she was dusting the house.

"Webbigail dear I see that you have come home early," the older woman noted.

"Yeah...about that I got promoted today and I have my first mission tonight too," the young duck said with enthusiasm until something in her grandmother's face changed from confusion to a worrying look.

"Promoted to an assistant?" she asked.

"No to an agent, Agent 27 to be more exact," the girl responded confused by her grandmother's change in mood.

"Webby you need to quit S.H.U.S.H immediately," Mrs. Beakly said all of a sudden.

"What?" Webby asked in total disbelief.

"I do not need to repeat myself," she responded while clenching her hands.

"But I don't understand...I thought you'd be happy for me," she said feeling a wave of disappointment surge inside her.

"Look...there is a reason for this Webby-"

"Then tell me!" the young duck said loudly as she felt tears begin to form in her eyes.

"I can't," was all Beakly responded while closing her eyes.

"Why not?"

"It's complicated Webby, you need to understand I am only doing this to protect you!"

"No...I'm tired of all these secrets and being told what to do with my life," and with that Webby ran into the depths of the mansion straight into her room.

'Why would Granny act that way?' she thought confused.

'What is she hiding?'

Webby didn't tell anyone about her promotion after her outburst with her grandma, after a while a package came through her bedroom window with a gala dress and everything she would be needing for tonight's mission. She knew her grandmother would probably try to evade her going to her mission so she would have to be stealthy about this without getting caught by anyone.

Webby looked at her clock, it was six o'clock which meant she would have to get ready if she wanted to arrive at the gala at seven. Webby quickly put on her gala dress which was surprisingly red again and strapless only reaching above her knees. She then did her makeup to the best of her ability which was eyeliner, mascara, and blush.  She also did her hair up in a fancy bun before putting on a pair of black flats she had in her room. Feeling satisfied with her disguise, Webby also equipped her spy gear on herself, she also knew her grandmother would come looking for her so she made her bed appear as if she were sleeping there.

Being ready to leave, Webby heard two knocks on her door.


"Hey, Webby can I come in?" Dewey's voice spoke through the other side but came into her room either way.

"Woah," he said looking at the beautiful duck in front of him with a blush spreading across his face.

"I didn't say you could come in," she spat at him but he kept eyeing her making a blush form on her face as well.

"Why do you look like that?" he asked curiously.

"None of your business," she said crossing her arms.

"Oh really? I can't wait to tell Beakly then that her granddaughter is trying to sneak out of the mansion," he said coyly.

"Don't you dare," she threatened him but he only smirked.

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