Chapter 4

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Webby found herself still in her appealing outfit except on top of her motorbike which she'd retrieved from the manor before coming here. Her hands were shaking as she waited patiently in the harbor for Dewey to show up before she'd strike. Her hair blowed slightly across her face while she tried to contain her shivers due to the fresh air stroking her feathers. Webby looked at her watch 9'o clock, where was he? That's when all of a sudden she heard a small thud across the deck. He was here.

Webby felt herself shiver for a bit before approaching the location where the sound had originated from. It was a bit dark but Webby could see him perfectly perched next to a lamp post, he looked different from four years ago. His hair had grown longer, and it was combed mainly to the back with a few streaks falling to his face. His shoulders looked broader and he was much taller too. He was dressed in a black t-shirt and cargo pants followed by black fingerless gloves and heavy boots. He looked menacing but Webby couldn't back out not now.

"Yes, I have just arrived," he spoke through what seemed to be an earpiece.

"No one seems to be here, I am the only one," he continued to speak while Webby listened hiding behind one of the cargo boxes.

"I know, retrieve the artifact and leave, I got it now shut up!" he said sounding annoyed before stealthy moving through the cargo ships, this was Webby's chance to get him.

Webby silently followed Dewey while he continued to walk across the cargo boxes, she would have to charge at him soon.

"Aha here it is," Dewey said to himself at a particular cargo box.

"The McDuck family will never know what they have coming at them," he added silently but that's when Webby felt her fists clench and her body charge towards Dewey will all her strength.

Dewey seemed surprised at this but attacked back forcefully kicking Webby while she was still in mid-air. Webby couldn't think then, ignoring her pain she stood back up and kicked him back with all her strength in his stomach. This made Dewey flinch a little and cough, she was strong.

"Traitor!" Webby screamed at him while hitting him multiple times even though Dewey blocked the most of them.

"What are you doing here?" he said while trying to dodge her attacks but Webby didn't respond instead she continued to attack him.

"I don't want to hurt you Webby," he stated while gaining some distance from her.

"Who said I'd be the injured one here," she spat while kicking him in the face only to have him grab her leg and toss her towards one of the cargo boxes. Webby felt her body grow weak, he'd got her there even though she tried pushing her body upwards.

"I didn't want to do this," Dewey said in a cold voice which sent Webby a sense of pain and anger but she was too weak to move while her body lay limp on the floor.

"I'm leaving," Dewey said turning his back to the girl who'd loved him.

"Do you have any idea?" Webby whimpered while her body lay on the floor weakly. That made him stop in his tracs though he didn't face her.

"Idea of what? That I left my pathetic family for something better," he stated coldly which hurt Webby.

"Do you have any idea what we all went through when we thought you were dead?!" she yelled at him, a mix of anger and pain in her voice. This made Dewey turn around and look at her with a confused look plastered on his face.

"How many nights Della cried?! How hurt your brothers were?! How destroyed you left Donald and Scrooge while they blamed themselves for everything?! Why did you leave us?!" she practically continued yelling at him.

"Why did you leave me?" that last part was low and full of pain at this point.

"I have my reasons, don't come looking for me anymore," was all he responded but Webby wasn't going to let him, not this time.

"I don't think so," Webby responded while shooting a dart at him through her spy watch.

"What, are you...doin..." Dewey's voice slurred until his body collapsed onto the floor and Webby slowly stood up from her spot limping to drag him onto her motor bike.

"Webby?! What happened to you and why is Dewey's unconscious body with you?" Gos asked Webby who was now in front of the lair with a worried Gosalyn examining her injuries.

"I'm fine Gos but I really need your help," she stated in a weak voice.

"Fine but you need to rest Webby, you look terrible," Gos noted.

After that Webby texted her Granny and friends that she was okay and staying at a friend's house, all her friends procrastinated at first but eventually agreed to leave Webby alone for the time being.

Webby continued to stare at Dewey' unconscious body which laid tied up on the couch. She had changed into some spare pajamas Gos had loaned her for the night while she sat in the other couch trying to get some shut eye, but she simply couldn't. How could she when her lost friend whom she thought was dead was actually alive and a F.O.W.L agent was now laying unconscious in front of her. It had been two hours since Webby brought in Dewey and she'd gotten a closer look of what he looked like now. He looked so peaceful right now compared to what he'd been like in their past two encounters. His hair looked messy and his body was as equally as bruised as hers was, she'd given him quite a beating back at the harbor.

" head," he groaned before opening his eyes wide and seeing Webby eyeing him.

"Where am I?! Did you tie me up?" he asked looking at his surroundings.

"You should know that by now," Webby responded sarcastically at him.

"Let me go!"


"Why did you bring me here?"

Webby only gave him a deadly glare before responding.

"You are a F.O.W.L agent and for that I needed to find out what you are up to since it involves my family," she growled at him.

"Face it Webby they only adopted you because they felt bad for you," he spat back.

"I actually thought you were dead Dewey and now this...well I'm not going to let you get away with it," she growled at him.

"I don't know how you came about that conclusion but that's not my problem now let me go!"

"Not until you answer my questions."

"I'm not telling you anything!"

"Suit yourself," Webby responded while scrolling through her phone.

"You've changed," he said looking at her up and down.

"I could say the same thing about you," she responded not looking at him.

"Never thought you'd grow out of that sweater and skirt, it's a nice view from here," he said with a teasing voice now this made Webby look at him with a red face and her eyebrows furrowed before jumping on top of him.

"What is your connection with F.O.W.L?" she asked while clenching onto his shirt.

"Oh, I'd love to tell you but I'm clearly enjoying myself," he said smirking at the girl who was on top of him.

"Why did you leave your family Dewey? Clearly what Della hid couldn't have been that bad?" she asked him frustrated by the duck's stubbornness.

"You don't know anything Webby but again you never know anything which is why you are still with the McDuck family clinging onto them for some attention," he responded to her which made her let go of him. That's when Webby did something Dewey had never seen her do in a long time in front of him. Webby's eyes slowly began to grow red and tears began to stream down her face. Dewey only looked at the girl astonished, he'd never seen her cry like this before, her tears were now pouring onto him. Webby had always been the strong one, the joyful duck who'd helped him find his mother, and been his partner throughout all their adventures was now crying on top of him?

"You are right Dewey but at least I haven't betrayed my family like you did," and with that Webby ran on the opposite direction from where Dewey was leaving him dumbfounded and deep down also in pain.

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