Chapter 8

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Webby woke up feeling refreshed while she stretched her arms on what felt like a giant fluffy pillow she continued to hug while letting out a yawn. She hadn't slept like this in ages with so much peace and warmth in her body. It wasn't until her eyes flew open to find herself under a sleeping Dewey that her eyes suddenly went wide with realization. Last night had not been a dream, Dewey had really spent the night in her her bed. Her cheeks became flushed, she had made a complete fool out of herself and now she felt like a pervert as what right mind does a girl a boy to stay in her room?

Webby debated whether she should wake up Dewey or not, she was already embarrassed enough by this scenario. Webby mentally smacked herself until she realized that one of the twins could come in suddenly or worse her Granny.

"Dewey, "Webby whispered to the boy on top of her who only hugged her tighter while he grumbled.

"Dewey wake up," she said a little harsher tone while shaking his body slightly but he wouldn't budge so Webby did what she found to be the best option at the moment. She pushed him off her bed while until Dewey fell on the wooden floor with a loud thud.

"Owww...what the?" he asked while looking confused at Webby.

"Damnit I fell asleep," he cursed more to himself than to her.

" that wasn't a dream...I am so sorry about that," Webby said while trying to hide her blushing under her covers.

"It's fine, I heard you screaming next door so I came to check up on you, it's my fault for falling asleep," he said sheepishly.

"I don't know what happened. It's been a while since this has happened," Webby added.

"You had a nightmare Webby and that's fine...are you feeling better?" he asked her.

"Yeah I am...thanks for staying with really didn't have to," she replied to him.

"I'm just happy to hear you're okay," he said with a smile but before Webby could respond to that both teens heard a cellphone. 

"I think your phone is ringing," Dewey noted which Webby only grabbed her phone under a pile of clothes.

"Hello?" she asked.

"I am so sorry I promise it won't happen again."

"I understand."

"I'll be there."

"Who was that?" Dewey asked curiously after she hanged up.

"I missed work yesterday and I need to report in today," she explained briefly while rummaging through her closet.

"You work?" he asked her while she threw her uniform on her bed.

"Yup at S.H.U.S.H as a paid intern but from that call I think it's going to be doing more today," she explained.

"That's pretty cool," Dewey noted.

"I bet F.O.W.L's cooler isn't it?" she said a little harsher than she intended it to be.

"To be put it into simple terms, it didn't pay that well," he said with a chuckle.

"So why did you join? Why leave us and go to them?" she asked him stopping what she was doing.

"It's complicated Webbs...ugh...look I wish I could tell you but right now is not the time," he said while running his hand through his hair.

"Didn't you get fired though so what is the harm with you telling me unless you are hiding something?" she asked inching closer to him to the point both their beaks were only inches from touching.

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