Part 1 - A walk in the park

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I smile to myself as i follow the path guiding me out of my school grounds... Glad its Friday, the one day i feel relieved from teenage drama and those pathetic love clique's. My life is... strange. Yes, im that typical teen girl others want to be, but why? People think I'm perfect therefore my life is perfect... wrong. My life has been a misery, since my mothers disappearance and my father working late all the time so i rarely see him is downer but i always followed my mothers motto; "Shoot for the moon and even if you miss, you'll be among the stars"

She always wanted me to succeed in life, and that is what i intend to do. Father says I'm pushing my boundaries, i think hes just worried about me. We hardly have a real conversation and if we ever do its just too lonely without mother being here.. As a 15 year old girl going onto 16 may seam happy and popular but in reality, is lonely and sad. Who can you count on i life? Your close family and friend... But what if you don't have those? Your me...

I begin to walk on-wards, giving a fake smile to passing people who occasionally wave. The hole in my heart still urns for my mothers touch, one last hug... That's when i realized, the tears streaming down my face. I quickly pull out my mirror from my bag and confront my tears. I sigh and slowly wipe them with he sleeve of my blazer before continuing on-wards. A year ago, on this exact day my mother disappeared... Friday 13th

I continue ahead, walking down the streets and through the welcoming gates to the park where blossom trees wave slightly in the breeze and the odd petals spiral to the ground. I walk until i find a bench overlooking a pond, shielded by the trees fro unwanted eyes. I sit myself down and look across the river... this brings memories...

I come here every Friday to pay my respect, this was the last place i saw my mother. We sat side-by-side on this bench laughing and enjoying each others company. We were alike in both appearance and daily life, well, were... She was in the position I'm in now, feel sad and lonely, but i guess at that time i never realized how she felt until i feel the experience myself...

I suddenly gasp as across the river i find myself staring an an unfamiliar figure staring back at me.Its tall figure in the shape of a male and shadowed under the trees across the stream. I squint my eyes but the only thing i manage to make out is a suit hes wearing, maybe attending a wedding? Such formal attire could only be for such thing, unless hes came from a funeral? Im probably just over thinking this..

I avert my eyes away and look down, uncertain where to look. Suddenly, i feel haze in my eyes and my eyelids seemingly closing. Unsure what to do, i remain calm. The bad thing to do in this situation is to panic and cause commotion, someone will only try and take advantage of it..

With my eyelids closing and pure will power stopping me falling into this unconsciousness, i lean back on the park bench and shade my face away from anyone who happens to notice whats happening to me. I hastily pull out my phone and dial the hospital, they should know whats wrong with me... shouldn't they?

As she phone rings i look up and see the figure before me, in pure shock i drop my phone and my gaze never looking away from his face... HIS FACE! ITS GONE! The pure shock was overwhelming as it was and wasn't helping my situation, before i could react, the last thing i recall were multiple of his arms darting towards my face so i was unable to see before consciousness turns against me and the unconsciousness swallows me whole...

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