Part 11|No escape!

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I played for what seamed forever, BEN eventually falling asleep and Jeff didn't return. I seized my opportunity and snuck to the front door.

I placed my hand on the handle and pulled... Locked. I tried countless times to make sure I was mistaken but alas I wasn't.

I looked back at BENs sleeping figure clutching his controller while the TV continued to play away. I looked around rappidly, all the windows were boarded up in this room...

I crept over to a door, pushing it open i found myself looking at a long dining table with countless chairs around it. How many were there living here?!

I peeked around, searching for an exit. All windows were once again either too risky to go through or blocked off.

Why out of all people did this have to happen to me? Why? What have I done to deserve this?

I look and see another door across the room. Swiftly, I make my way over with caution. As I open the door, I find a kitchen which looked pretty normal to me. I was expecting blood up the walls and that type of stereotype to be honest.

I look and see every way blocked... Except one! The vents! Yes I know it's stupid but it's worth a shot... I opened a draw and pulled out a knife, helping myself up on the side and gradually unscrewing the bolts. Once the fourth bold was screwed off I slid inside smoothly like a snake and began to crawl through the vents.

It felt like ages of following this endless-seaming tunnel of darkness to seek light. I stop and catch a stream I light peaking through one of the parts of vents connecting to another. I crawled closer and as I did, the sounds of voices was heard.

As I came closer, the voices were louder and I closed one eye and peaked through the gap. I saw I was high above the living room, BEN shot upright as Jeff punched him in the back of the head-

"Where's the girl!" Jeff yelled
"I-er-um-" BEN was so startled by what was happening no words came out
"Slenders gonna kill me!!" Jeff panicked
"That will be entertaining" jack stepped through the door
"You see rake? What did you do?" BEN turns to Jack
"Non of your business" he spat

Suddenly, the front door burst open and in walked slenderman creepy as ever...

"Where is she?" He boomed


"Tell me... Where is she?"


"Jeff..." Slenders voice becomes quieter
"WHAT?!" BEN sounded shocked
"Find her. There's no exit except the front door and back. She hadn't been through either. Search the household" slender explains

Everyone nods and heads in desperate directions. Great. Psychopaths are searching the house for me...

"(Y/n)!!!" Cooed a voice behind me

My head looks back and two eyes stare straight at me through the darkness...

"Found you..." The voice snickers

My eyes widen and I turn away, looking ahead and scrambling through the vents like a lab rat.

"Where you going?" He laughs behind me
"Away from you!"
"Awwwe don't be like that" he grabs my ankle
"LET GO!" I scream, hearing it ring through the vents

I look back and feel pressure upon my neck. My breathing feels tightened and and Im having to gasp for air. I know the figure Is smiling evilly at me, knowing whoever this person wants me dead.

Suddenly, I hear a creeping sound and dust rises in the vents. Both our eyes widen as a loud SNAP noise is heard.


We fall and I fall on my back, smacking my spine on the ground. I choke slightly as I gasp for air and knowing I injured something I couldn't do anything but await for my vision to come back to life.

I soon gain sight and sit upright, horrified at what just happened. I look up and a figure launches at me, a scream escapes my lips. Suddenly, an arm swings a punch at the figure and it flys, smacking against the wall. He hesitates before scurrying to its feet and smashing out a window.

My breath is short and fast, taking deep breaths is what I do as this all takes place. Suddenly, slender appears before me and land close to my face...

"I though I told Jeff to keep an eye on you... Didn't he tell you to wait here? I will kill that-" he hissed
"NO! WAIT! It was my fault! It's wasn't his!" I explain through rushed words

Jeff looks shocked as he entered the room, finding it odd id taken blame for his behalf. He walked over...

"What's going o-" he began
"Take her to her room" slender said

Jeff and I remained silent, we both knew well enough slender was going after the imposter. I didn't retaliate and allowed Jeff to drag me to my room...

What a day...

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