Part 18|Fresh start

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We make it back to the house soon enough. BEN was on the couch playing his DS, Jeff was sitting beside him twirling his knife in his hands, EJ was the other side of BEN watching TV. They all stopped and looked back when they saw me. EJ stood and walked up to me, adrenalin running through me...

"I wanted to apologise for what I did earlier. It was kinda out of my character and hoody and masky were giving me tips and stuff. Hated it. Anyway, you better appreciate me apologising" EJ says
"I understand, it's ok" I smile
"She will stay with us... If she wants" slender places one of his real arms on my shoulder

Everyone look at me. I look up at slender before back at everyone else.

"I will think about it" I state
"I'm off to prepare supper. You three watch her" slender says walking into the kitchen
"... CLAIMED!" BEN looks at me and goes to jump on me before Jeff grabs his top and pulls him back
"Dude, can you stop creeping on girls for one second?" Jeff rolls his eyes
"Hey! It's been long since a girl came round!" BEN wines
"What about Jane?" EJ asks, Jeff glaring at him
"Nah, Jeff loves ja-"

He couldn't finish as the two battled on the ground. I gasp in shock.

"Don't be shocked. This is a usual thing" EJ says and walks up to me
"They always do this?" I ask, looking. As they wrestle on the ground
"Pretty much" he shrugs

"Ok so we got trouble cause Ticci Toby and clockwork ransacked the place so I was just gonna order pizza-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Slender states
"Urrrr... Showing (y/n) how to fight!" Jeff says
"How did you know my name?" I ask
"Word goes round quick" BEN shrugs
"Anyway, what did you say about pizza?" BEN stop and brushed himself off
"Who wants peperoni?" Slender asks
"ME!" BEN and Jeff raise their hands and say in sync
"Sure" EJ shrugs
"Okay! I will get on the phone" slender walks out the room

Who knew a bunch of killers could act so...normal ... Almost as I they were human.

I turn back and see EJ tackled by Jeff and having a knife battle...

Yep, almost normal...

I walk over to the couch and sit the opposite end to BEN who sat there on his game. He looked up a brief moment.

"Wasn't you the girl who ditched me when I played on the Xbox?" He asks
"Um..." I think back to when I abandoned him and tried to escape
"LOOOOOL BEN GOT DITCHED PLAYING A GAME!" Jeff laughed but dodged a knife BEN threw towards him
"Ignore them" jane walks down the stairs "follow me" she waves

I look at the three fighting before nodding and walking towards her. I walk up the staircase and look at the three one more time to did EJ just sitting on the couch and wanting to watch TV but BEN wants to play his Xbox while Jeff walks into the kitchen. I look up at jane and follow her...

This isn't so bad...

In Arms Reach ~ Slender x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now