Part 2 - Slender forest

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My eyes slowly open to find myself in a whole new surroundings. Shock floods through my blood and i bolt upright, quickly alerting my gaze around me to find at least a hint to where I might be. Without a clue, i accept the fact that i lost... But i don't recall actually getting myself lost... THAT'S RIGHT! I never actually got myself lost, the last thing i recall is myself on the park bench... But who was that guy? Was he the one who brought me here?

Without a clue i slowly rise to my feet and sigh, realizing to make matters worse is that in within a forest... that can only mean im either hundreds of miles from home or a hop, skip and a jump away... But you can never tell within these types of forests, they can deceive you and make you feel at the heart of it and never to find home again...

I jump at the sound of a branch braking beneath my feet. Smiling softly, i take a deep breath and pace on-wards with thoughts occupying me. Where am i? How did i get here? Did HE bring me here? The only thing i know is that its upcoming to evening as the sun slowly looms overhead. I scan myself to see what i can survive on. I find my bag gone and all i can find through my pockets is my phone, mirror and pink lipstick... Damn it. I pull out my phone but statics come up instead...

"What on earth is going on?" I mumble to myself and look up "and where am I? This has to be a dream..."

"Well, that'd have to be a very realistic dream" hisses a voice behind me

Fear strikes me heard as I refuse to look behind me, worried I might regret something if I do. I was trembly head to toe and frozen in shock... If I run will it kill me? That's my only hope right now and if it's a chance to live, I'm gonna take it... Slowly but carefully, I give into temptations and look back cautiously to fine...

" one?" I say confused and scanning the area behind me

I look back ahead and immediately regretted it, for there stood the talk masculine figure wearing his formal attire and... NO FACE??? Ok, this has to be a dream... Please be a dream... Please...

I squeeze my eyes shut and mumble these words under my breath before returning them open only to find his face in mine. I give off a small shriek but cut myself off with my hands...

"My my, someone's jumpy" his voice says with a husky tone

'What do I do???' I think to myself, frozen in place from fear

"Well, you look an awful like someone I know..."

Before I knew what hit me, these tentacle-like black arms rose from behind his back and lunged at me. They wrapped tightly around my wait and pulled me to his level in height... It was only then I realised how tall and fearful he was.

"Hmmm... I just can't put my finger on it, you remind me of someone... Who are you?" His voice says with a soothing tone

"I could as you the same thing" I suck up my fear as narrow my eyes upon him

"Who have you the right to speak to me like that!" His voice returns back to its creepy self as his arms tighten around me, causing me let out a small groan

"W-Well, who gave you the right to do this to me!" I reply but immediately regretted it

"Who?" He tilts his head to the side and tightens his grip, making me bite my lip in pain to resist crying out "count yourself lucky your still alive"

My eyes widen in shock... I would of been dead by now but something is holding me back, but what? There had to be a logical explication but here isn't the time or place... Swiftly I use my free legs to swings and kick him in the chin. He releases me and I drop to the floor, gasping from the pain in my ribs. I look up and find the slender-like figure loom over me, a dark aroma surrounding him as he runs his chin...

"Your going to regret that..." He says with an eerie tone

As one if his arms go to grab me, I kick myself back and do a backwards roll and fid myself sitting on my knees with my back to him...

'HES GONNA KILL ME?!' A panicked voice rings through my head

As an arm goes to grab me again, I boost myself from the floor like an athlete springing from the starting line of a race. As I do, at the split second, the arm smashes into the floor and dirt and leaves fly up. I take one glance back before dashing deeper into the forest...

In Arms Reach ~ Slender x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now