Part 23|Proxies

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I woke up. Wow, I fell asleep? I don't remember that...

Anyway, I woke up with clockwork gone and a blanket over me. She must of placed it over me knowing her characteristics.

I stood and stretched before looking walking up to the wardrobe in the room. I decided to snoop around but to my shock, as soon as I opened the wardrobe it was filled with all my clothes! There were some draws at the bottom of the wardrobe and I opened them to find my shoes. What the heck was my clothes doing here? I look at the vanity and run over to it, opening the draws and finding my makeup and other simple supplies. I needed to find out why this is here.

I turn on my heel but bump into someone... Slender

"Oh! Just the person I wanted to see!" I say happily "please explain why all my stuff is here"
"Oh, we wanted your stay to be more like home"
"That's nice, what about my dad?"
"We left a note saying your living with your grandmother a while to get closer to the school"
"He bought that?"
"Apparently" he shrugged slightly
"Slender, does my dad know anything about my mum?"
"Yes. Well, kinda. He knows who she is but doesn't know the truth about her"
"What truth?"

Just then, my new bedroom door swung open and Jeff glided through.

"Heya! You forgot about me!"
"Huh?" I looked between him as slender
"When I mentioned 'we' I meant me and Jeff" slender explained
"Because I'm his number 1 proxy!"
"What's a proxy?" I asked

Just then, slender slaps Jeff on the head. It now for a fact he telepathically told him something because Jeff's face went from amused to annoyed.

"Spoil sport" he pouts before walking out
"What's a proxy?"
"It's nothing. Forget it." He says walking out to room
"Fine. Don't tell me" i mumble "ill look myself"

I started rummaging the room, if they brought my stuff my laptop must be in here somewhere... Ah ha! Here is it! I pulled it out the vanity draw.

I sat on the bed and opened it up, logging on and googling 'proxy' but all that came up were computer components. I decided to be more specific 'what is a proxy' but once again, the same results.

I hear slender and footsteps reach the stairs and thump down them. I looked back at my computer and typed in 'the slenderman' and funnily enough he came up along with a bunch of fan fictions. I laughed thinking about it then clicked onto a profile about him. This led me onto proxies and as soon as I went to click onto the external link, bens face appeared on the screen.

I gave a small scream before slamming my computer shut and throwing it onto the floor. No damage done except my poor heart.

I watched the computer open and I panicked, watching Bens hand appear and open it fully and step out of it.

"What's this?" He says, holding the computer up so he can read "proxies? You want to know?"

He places the computer down and began to strut towards me, me backing into the wall.

"I can tell you if you wish" he smirks as he places his hands either side of my head before leading close to my face and whispering "or I can show you"

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