Part 31|Living nightmare

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I shook my head of the thoughts and rose to my feet. As i was about to sprint back to the mansion, a sharp pain ran down my spine... damn it, must of been where she pinned me against the countless trees. I Get the feeling that this isn't going to the extent of her power...

'Anyhow, i have to get to the mansion before its too late' i thought

With that, i forced myself up and darted into the forest. I tried to keep a steady pace wile running, keeping my breathing at rhythm which only failed due to the pain in my ribs. I stopped for a split second and took a deep breath...

"This aura seams familiar..." says an unfamiliar voice
"You don't think its-"
"No, she's long gone" the voice replied harshly

I hid behind a tree and looked around, although i saw no once in sight i felt like they were close. You peered back behind the tree to find two figures, one petite girl and a tallish guy. The body types were enough to give it away but their features remained hidden. You needed to get back to slender before it was too late. As you were about to sprint off, you stopped yourself after hearing;

"I heard shes still out here" says the girl

Your chest tightened and you clutched the tree... they wasn't referring to you, was they?

"Looks like Xaviar failed, but then again, whats the use of her powers? They're pretty much useless once people adapt to her attacks" the guy reponds

Then it hit me, i realised who it was.... Exel.

My eyes widened, i have to get out of here. I assume morphing isn't the only thing he is skilled in which worries me. I look behind the tree to find them gone. I sighed in relief an waited a moment before sprinted in the direction of the creepypasta mansion.

"Look, its her" a voice echos in my head
"Oh yes, that's her" adds another voice

I tried to block the voices ringing through my head but failed, it soon became too overwhelming and i stopped. I clutched my head and closed my eyes.

"shut up!" I hissed
"That's not very nice"
"we only want to play with you"
"please play with us"
"Stop! I need to help someone-"
"Do you really think he cares for you?"
"Naive girl!"
"He doesn't care for you!"
"shut up!" I felt my eyes squint, probably trying to hold back tears
"aww, shes crying"

Says a voice, followed by countless voices laughing. It echoed through your head and you opened your eyes, taking it all in. What was happening? Am i going crazy?

"You can hear them too?" says a far too familiar voice

My heart skips a beat and a shiver runs down my spine. It can't be... no... Unable to move, my body felt stiff. I looked ahead and saw the creepypasta mansion... I was so close, yet so far.

"Do you fear to turn around?" The voice asks

I hear the sound of their footsteps come closer, soon, i felt them standing right behind me.

"Turn around..." they placed a hand on my shoulder

My eyes widened, they were now stinging with tears...

"...daughter" The voice echoed

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