Part 14|Special place

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We stood beside a cliff side where a waterfall fell down and into the river below. The grass was lush and the skies were blue. I can't believe such a creepy forest can lead to such a place. I watched the waterfall for a moment as it gleamed under the evening sun.

I look over at slender, his aura has changed since we met. I know it's been a day but I still feel like throughout that time things have changed. I look up at him, curious to what his next move is.

He stares at the waterfall, not taking his eyes from it... Somehow... Don't ask.

"Do you remember this place?" He asks

I just stare, amazed at how calm he is. I look back to the waterfall and slowly shake my head in respond to "no"

"I'm surprised, you always used to love coming here"
"I don't remember- HOLD UP! How would you know if I been here or not?"

No words escape his... Lips? He just stands and stares at the waterfall which soon starts to creep me out.

"Should I know?"

He looks down at me with a calm aura and nods slowly. I stare at him blankly.

"Watch the waterfall" is all he says

I turn back to the waterdall, entranced by its beauty. I watch how the droplets spurt out like a fountain. I close my eyes and I get a shock to find one of his tentacles touch my forehead. I scream and karate chop it away...

Yep, I totally done that.

He facepalms himself and mumbles "I was going to show you a glimpse of the past"
"OOOHHHHH" I facepalm myself

There's a dead silence and he glares at me...

"Can we do that again?" I ask
"Why not?" I whine
"You ruined the mood"
"Are you trying to reference my arms?"
"No... Maybe..."
"Fine" he sighs and places a tentacle on my forehead "I have limited power but this will do..."

I close my eyes and visions appear in my head...


Walking through this forest of a wasteland for the hundredth time today, looking and hunting down a kill only to find nothing. It's been like this a dead straight month, the only thing I managed to kill was a dam moth in my face (great job slender -.-)

I stop as I look and hear a sound... Crying? A person! At last!

I follow the sound which leads me to a waterfall flowing into a river below. Beside it is a little girl with a sketchbook hugging it.

My expression went from cold hearted killer to confused within a second.

She looked back at me, not even fear on her face... Just sadness.

I was about to attack until she took the first move as hugged my leg. I was shocked and hesitated, looking down at this little girl with amazement that she would pull a stunt like that.

For some reason, I didn't feel like killing anymore that day.

"Tall guy" she whispered, making me look down at her "will you be here tomorrow?"

Good. I will kill her tomorrow.

I nod to her response and and she looks up at me, wiping a tear away... Why was she crying?

She collected her sketchpad and smiled back, running and waving as she did. A piece of paper flew out her sketchpad and I caught it...

The picture revealed what seamed to look like her and two other figures... (Good description -.-) hey! Do you wanna try at my position! (Ok ok... Wait, how can you see without eyes???) let's not go onto that topic...

In Arms Reach ~ Slender x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now