Part 35| Off feeling...

580 33 5

Your P.O.V

"You heard me" Jeff said, turning towards me

"You're asking Sally to watch over me? I think I'm fully capable of taking care of myself" I sneered back

"Well, looks like you did a very good job at that" Jeff replied sarcastically, eyeing me up and down

I glared at him and he glares back before turning his back to me.

"Ask the others to join us in the dining room. Sally, take (y/n) to her room" Jeff said

"On it! Come on (y/n)!" Sally giggled, holding my hand

I was still glaring at Jeff till he left to enter the dining room. I turned to Sally and sighed... There was NO way I was just going to sit here and do nothing.

I met these guys only recently yet I feel more connected to them than anyone else... Like I've met them before... Usually when you get dragged to a creepy mansion with killers you'd try to escape, right? So why haven't I attempted... Sure, I've made basic attempts but actually ATTEMPTED... I wonder why.

It just feels normal... For some reason, something within me is fine with this... As if this was home.

I shook the thoughts and looked at Sally who was giving me a concerned look as she saw me looking into space. I smiled at her and she gave me a soft smile back, tugging at my hand.

As I stood, a pain shot through my body and in the back of my head. I instinct fell back onto the soft and clutched my head to find it bandaged...

"A-are you ok?!" Sally asked frantically

"I'm fine. The quicker we get upstairs the better" I smiled, patting her head

She nodded with determination and held my hand. I walked with her hand in hand up the stairs and to my room, opening the door and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Wait here!" Sally commanded

"Ok" I smiled softly

"I mean it! I am in charge of you so I have to keep a close eye on you" she said trying to act tough... The way she was acting made me let out a small giggled sigh

She quickly ran out the room and into the room across the hall... Must be her room.

I'm the meantime, I looked around my room for a brief moment and fell back onto the bed, staring up at the pale cieling....

My eyes began to instinctively close, feeling to soothing covers under me comfort my wounds.

My comfort was cut short as s flash of something ran across my eyes, causing my eyes to open wide and sit upright, clutching my head... What on earth...

I felt sick to my stomach, I felt off. Something inside me didn't feel right...

Sally ran back in smiling, carrying books and boxed games and on top was a tea set. She placed it to the side and was looking at the things she brought.

"I've brought books, games, puzzles and my favourite tea set!" She smiled

I have a weak smile to her and nodded...

I didn't feel like myself...

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