Part 17|Where i belong?

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I make it back to the house soon enough. But, I don't expose this child straight away... At least I didn't intend to. I walked inside and Jeff ran up to me.

"MY KILL!" He raises his knife but I grab his arm with my tentacle
"No harm shall come to the child" I state with honest words
"Why not?" Jane the killer walks in the room
"She was placed into the hands of my care and I refuse to allow her to be harmed" I explain
"You have a girlfriend?" BEN's voice pipes up
"No" I state at him
"SLENDER HAS A GIRLFRIEND!" BEN cheers but I slap him against the wall with one of my arms
"Just cause you can't get a girlfriend BEN" Jeff laughs but is soon also experiencing the same punishment as BEN
"You guys are acting like children... Slender, if you have a girlfriend it's nothing I be afraid o-" Jane turns to me but is also slammed into the wall

Just then, EJ walks into the room and eyes widen slightly before saying "I'm not gonna ask" and sitting down at the sofa and changing the TV over from BENs game-


I sighed and let the three go. They collapse to the ground and I begin to walk past them.

"Slender, will she stay?" Sally walks into the room
"Maybe" I look down at her and pat her head
"YAY! I'm gonna have a sister! Gonna have a sister!" She sings
"Don't I count as your sister?" Jane asks
"No" Sally glares at her
"HA!" Jeff points at Jane and laughs
"And you Jeff..." Sally glare at Jeff who turns to her "are nothing to me"

With silence in the air, Sally gives a yawn and I pick her up.

"Is it ok if the child stays with you?" I ask Sally

I know she's young, but I doubt she will kill the child. Besides, she's have fun and she's the only one I can trust. She nods excitedly and snuggles into my arm. I look back at the others.

"Meeting in 5 minutes" I state before walking upstairs

I soon make it to the top of the stairs and walk down the long corridor towards Sally's room...

"Yes Sally?" I reply
"Will she stay here forever?"

I hesitated to answer. She's human, she cannot stay. They are the rules and will remain. I look down at the child before looking back at sally.

"We'll see" I sigh

I drop Sally off by her room and place the child in her arms.

"Be good" I pat we head
"Night slendie!" She calls before closing the door
"Now... To deal with our new profound enemy..." I mumble to myself

*vision ends*

I stare at slender as he looks back down at me.

"So... You raised me?" I asked "I don't believe you"
"Suit yourself" he shrugs and begins to walk off

I look at the water fountain for a moment before looking at slenders walking figure.

"You coming?" He calls

I smile slightly and nod, running towards slender.

Maybe, just maybe...

This is where I belong.

In Arms Reach ~ Slender x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now