chapter 2

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Tommy cut the cord of the catapult, that he and Dream build. They decided to send Dream into the air. Dream was laughing while the others were trying to find something to catch Dream in.

Dream smashed through a window and landed on one of the beds. He stayed put for a few seconds to make sure that He hadn't lost any parts and then shouted


Dream gets off the bed and walks out of the house. His friends ran up to him and checking to see if he was injured our not.

"Are you okay?"


"You could've died!"

Dream ignores the comments and questions that his friends were saying to him. He brush off the dust as he gave them a smile.

"Hey, Don't worry, I'm fine." He said to them.

His friends weren't convinced but had let it go.


Dream left for a couple of days. Everyone weren't worried has hd disappeared for days on end.

Dream had log off and was currently editing some videos, that he had forgotten to exit as he forgot about.

He sighs as he edits the video.

He soon heard knocking. He sighs and finish up editing before standing up. He head towards the door as the knocking gotten louder.

"I'm coming!" He yelled out as he opens the door.

He looks at the people standing in front of the door and couldn't help but be confused.


The chapters will be short since it's easier for me to not get writers block at all.

Anyways, hope you like this chapter.

THE PUPPET ❦ 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐒𝐌𝐏 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now