Chapter 12

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Dream was now bored in his next class. He didn't want to feel bored at all and actually wanted to skip but since he was new, he couldn't do anything about it. Even if he wanted too.

Yet, Professor Trelawney kinda freaked him out. Professor Trelawney just kinda stared at Dream through her large glasses that magnified her eyes.

And she stared at Dream all class.

It was kind of creepy.

So Dream stared back, well more liks his mask was staring back.

They were supposed to be analyzing dreams with their partner. Dream didn't feel like reading despite the fact that Bad was his partner which he was grateful for.

Recently, Dream was having dreams about some things especially about someone. He didn't like the dreams as they still continue to lingered in his mind.

On the plus side, he wasn't sleep deprive. But even that was new.

Trelawney finally walked over to Dream, leaning over him.

"I don't believe we've met, Mr. Johnson."

Briefly, Dream wondered if her divination powers allowed him to know his name, but then he remembered the spectacle he was during his sorting. In front of everyone.

"No m'am."

"I sense an aura about you…it's rather odd." She took a deep breath, closing her eyes. When she spoke again, her raspy voice was dark and serious.

"You're going to die soon," she paused, "but even that is a luxury for you."

Any trepidation that Dream had went out the window. Dream froze up and tensed and was glad no one noticed but what he didn't know that Bad heard the conversation and was worried about Dream.

Dream stayed silent for the rest of the class.


Short chapter time

Also, what house is technoblade is in? I was thinking he would fit in Gryffindor but he can also easily be sorted into Slytherin.

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