Chapter 15

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Harry Potter truly hated Dolores Umbridge with all his heart.

He absently rubbed the still healing scar upon his hand, grimacing slightly as a jolt of pain pierced through the skin. He had known that the Ministry of Magic was filled with various levels of corruption, but succumbing to torturing school children just seemed like an entirely new low for them.

And then, Hermione had planted the idea of the DA, and while it had seemed overly risky at first, it had turned out to be just what they all needed. For the first time since Cedric's death, Harry felt like he had the chance to make a difference, to change things with this small act of defiance.

He had never seen everyone so united for one cause. Before it had basically been every house for themselves, but Harry now saw Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, and Ravenclaws come together, and bond over a similar goal.

Of course, it wasn't perfect, and Harry knew he couldn't always be the best teacher. He still felt a twinge of guilt that no Slytherin's had been included in the club, but he understood that they couldn't take that chance. Even if, Nick [Sapnap] insisted for Clay to join but he couldn't let that happened.

Harry knew deep down that not all Slytherin's were bad, but with a vast portion of them being wrapped around Umbridge's chubby finger, he couldn't fully trust any of them.

And then there was Clay Johnson, the ever growing enigma that was apparently friends with some of the Seventh years and three 3rd years.

Harry was almost entirely sure that Clay knew there was something going on that he was excluded from, but Harry was unsure if he'd ever act upon that suspicion, but one thing was that He had heard someone pulled off Clay's mask off and exposed his face. Yet, he wasn't there to see it but he will will find ways to see Clay's face.

To make matters more complicated, months had gone by, and Harry still couldn't figure out Clay's motives. It was all just so odd.

Harry pushed away the thoughts, knowing that there wasn't really anything he could do about it now. Flopping down on his bed, Harry knew that he should be doing his Potions essay, but he couldn't really bring himself to start it. He still had a good three days left before the deadline, and there was always Hermione to help him with it last minute.

Harry reached under his pillow out of habit, and pulled out the worn parchment to begin his routine check of the castle.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good," he whispered softly, pressing the tip of his wand to the map, and watching the layers of ink spread across it.

He sat there for a few minutes, watching the footsteps of students and teacher alike move across the castle.

Suddenly, his eyes flickered to Clay Johnson's name, which had been stationary before, but had just disappeared in a blip of ink.

With growing dread, Harry knew exactly where he was headed.

"Ron," Harry whispered furiously, jumping off his bed and reaching over to drag the redhead with him. "Clay's in the chamber."

Ron's eyes widened in understanding, and they quickly raced down the stairs to find Hermione.



Also, this chapter was mostly on Harry's point of view.

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