chapter 13

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Dream remembered why he didn't like school.

It was the never ending feeling of it. He was barely halfway through the day and yet he was already tired of classes.

Dream sat in Professor Umbridge's class. She was a toad-like woman who was draped in a pink cardigan that definitely didn't help her complexion. He was trying hard not to laugh at her.

Dispite the fact that he already met her, the introduction that she gave the class, and the greeting that she forced them to do, Dream wanted to kill her, but he knew had to at least try, to not kill her.

So Dream forced himself to refrain from making permanent opinions based on her attitude but even that was hard.

However, he had almost thought that wizarding school would be more exciting. Dream had hoped that it wouldn't be book work, but rather practicing spells.

He hadn't used his new fancy wand yet.

Going over the course requirements, he didn't think he would. All of it seemed like book work.

Dream had thought that Defense Against the Dark Arts would contain some mock duels or something.

And apparently, others in the class thought the same.

Hermione Granger raised her hand to ask about using magic, which was than followed by a good portion of the class asking Umbridge about the course aims,

She, it seemed, was disinclined to let them actually practice any defensive spells.

It seemed rather stupid.

however, Dream didn't want to get into the fight because he knew absolutely nothing about magic, so he just sat there, but he still wanted to try at least.

And then Harry exploded.

Dream reckoned that Harry had a lot of experiences with his grandfather if he felt that strongly about Voldemort.

On one side, you had Harry saying that Voldemort was back, and than you had Umbridge say he wasn't.

It was absolutely chaotic and Dream sat up straight when he saw looks thrown his way but he ignores the looks.

But the final straw was when Harry mentioned Cedric Diggory.

"So, according to you, Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord, did he?" Harry asked, face red and voice shaking violently.

Dream had gathered enough information from listening in on others conversations to have learned that Cedric Diggory was a Hufflepuff who died last year.

He didn't, however find out how he died until now. Dream wanted to throw up.

His grandfather had been killing students?

And from that question, Harry Potter was sent out of the classroom, to McGonagall.

Dream stayed in his seat, head down, and stared at the book.

Harry didn't return to class.

"Mr. Johnson, remove your mask as it is a violation of this school's dress code." Professor Umbridge said to Dream.

Dream rolls his eyes under his mask but doesn't removed his mask. That was until one of the Gryffindor's pulled it off.

Many gasps were heard has Dream grabbed his mask back and put it on. But it was to late.

Everyone in the class has seen his face.


I wouldn't have thought that once I write a Dream Smp story, everyone suddenly just start reading. Like, my account was going dead during the pass year and suddenly this happens.

Also, I honestly going to put Technoblade into Ravenclaw but with some Slytherin traits.

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