chapter 16

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It was a pretty cool place, albeit a bit creepy, but cool nonetheless.

Dream felt the rushing of water around him, filling him with strength, and he grinned widely. He looks around as his eyes adjusts to the darkness.

By the looks of the corridor, no one had been down here for a while. If he could clean it up, he'd have something close to his own hideout!

The idea seemed extremely appealing as Dream continued to stroll down the hallway, imaging all the things he could do with the area. Or traps. Dream giggles to himself.

All of a sudden, Dream stepped on something, making a soft crunch that rang out through the silent passage.

He raised his wand, muttering a quick lumos – one of the spells that he actually bothered to learn – and leaned down to examine the object.

It was the crushed skeleton of what appeared to be a rat, and with growing trepidation, Dream raised his wand to view the rest of the small room.

It was covered in skeletons.

Not human skeletons, thankfully, but rather the tiny bones of rats and other small vermin. Finding a rat skeleton was one thing, but finding an entire room of them was another.

A sinking feeling filled Dream's chest, but he slowly starts walking forward through the passage.

It seemed like a cool idea at first, to find a secret room that could be only his, but now… now Dream began to wonder what he had gotten himself into.

He reached another door, round, with similar engravings of snakes covering it.

The light from his wand continue to glow and Dream quickly hissed the words that he knew would allow him to enter.

The door swung open, and Dream climbed through, entering a large cavern with rows of water on each side. In the center was a large statue, and Dream began to walk towards it. Dream's gaze suddenly slipped downward, crashing into the water below.

A giant skeleton, of what appeared to be a snake – but so much larger than a snake should ever get – lay across the floor.

A swift sensation of relief flooded through Dream, as he realized that whatever was eating the rats was long dead, and he wouldn't have to battle a ferocious beast, but it was quickly replaced by nausea.

This was a school.

Children walked the halls above.

Had they been in danger from this beast?

Judging by the size of the snake's fangs, it was far from friendly, and Dream couldn't help but wonder just how long ago it's been killed.

Is that what Harry has fought several years ago when he descended into the chamber?

God, was this how Myrtle died?

He wanted to vomit.

Dream had known things weren't all that peachy in Britain with his grandfather running around, but he never thought that giant wizarding monsters would be lurking around the school.

Dream was just about to turn back, to leave this chamber and never come back, when he was a hit with what felt like a punch to the gut.

"Petrificus Totalus!" The shrill voice of Hermione Granger echoed throughout the room, and Dream's arms and legs snapped together as he crashed, immobile, to the floor. He was going to have one heck of a bruise in the morning. His mask still held on which surprised Dream many times before.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked over to him, and Dream lifted up and look at them, wondering how they even found him. Had the followed him here?

"Why," Harry's voice was bitingly sharp, and his eyes were hardened, "are you here?"

Dream was so glad that his eyes were covered because they were wide with shock. His eyes flickered to red and soon he smirks under his mask.

"Why would you care?" Dream's voice held power and a tone that had sent everything around to be quiet.


Yes, I might at the Nightmare Dreamon because why not.

Okay, I have an awesome idea for my next Dream Smp story but I debating to combine two scenarios into one or not.

Anways, I hope you like this chapter. ^^

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