chapter 18

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During dinner, Dream was hanging out with Ghostbur. He was smiling and talking since he decided to leave his mask on his bed. It gain him many stares.

Lately, There had been a small issue bothering him but he couldn't place it. He needed to talk to Techno about it without anyone listening in but all the teachers were keeping an eye on him so he couldn't get any alone time.

After a long while of hanging out, Ghostbur wraps his arms around Dream, who tensed up a bit as the other hufflepuffs giggled at the sight.

"Care to share what's in your mind with me?" Willbur asked Dream as he smiles at him.

Dream never liked it when he was disturbed from his thoughts. He looks up and gave him a glare while leaning against him.

Then after what seemed like eternity, Dream sighed and said, "It's nothing." He looks away and just gets up and went back to his table.

Willbur watches as was sadden that Dream wasn't in his arms but shook his head and went back to eating.


Dream was fast asleep. His bottle of Gillyweed sat on his bedside table. He soon felt water was dumped onto him.

Suddenly, Dream felt fully awake. He snapped into reality so fast that he couldn't comprehend what he was seeing.

A black outline shifted in the shadows at the corner of his bed, alarming Dream. In less than a second, Dream had gotten out of bed. He stares at the figure before everything went dark.

A smile was hidden in the shadows of the dark.

"Now, my grandson. We will finally rule the world." A voice crackled into the night.


Next chapter is a small fluff oneshot that isn't apart of the story but just wanted to add it.

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