Chapter 14

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When class ended Dream had ran out of the classroom before anyone can say anything. He knew, with complete and absolute certainty, that he people would whispered about him because of how he looked.

Dream continued to run through the hallway until he hid outside in one of the trees. He sits on the branch while having his knees up to his chest.

As he was outside, a light snowfall fell over Hogwarts, coating the grounds in a white, winter layer, and sparkly snowflakes flew through the air. The chilly wind bit Dream's cheeks and he couldn't help but softly smiles under his mask.

To him everything around him was really was the classic picture of a winter wonderland. It was beautiful.

Dream watchea as students walked down the hallway or talking to each other. He doesn't noticed Techno standing at the bottom and was looking up.

Techno had heard what happened and wanted to check on him. He knew George wanted to as well but he was held back by professor Snape.

"Hey." Techno yelled out to Dream.

Dream was startled but he looks down and noticed Techno. He stays quiet as he turns his head.

"I know what happened, Dream." Techno said as he sat down and leans against the tree trunck.

Techno kept Dream company until it was time to head back to the common room.

With Dream

The entirety of the Slytherins had been understandably been nice towards him, and Dream has been creeped out by that, but whatever, friendliness that had began to form between him and the trio has disappeared almost the second that he was sorted into Slytherin.

He seen the looks that Slytherin passed looks at each other during Umbridge's class, when the mask was pulled from his face, more and more students seemed to join this selective group.

Did they really think that people wouldn't notice?

The smug looks that they gave each other was enough, but it also helped that the gathered in groups and shared whispers in the hallway. And all of this seemed to stop when he walked by.

Perhaps, this was some type of "We all want Dream club."

So Dream decided to just roam the castle. After all, he hadn't really ventured far from the Slytherin side of things and he was really hoping that in a castle this big there might be some sort of secret passages or something.

'So I can escape everything and hang out with my friends.' Dream thought to himself as he walks around.

The students milling around in each hallway gave him some odd looks but he just shrugged off, but other than that the entirety of his walk was pretty uneventful.

Yet, Dream knew they wanted to take off his mask to see what he looks like but he wouldn't let them even if they tried.

Dream would ask the paintings questions but they refused to answer his questions about secret passages, or talk to him in general.

Soon, Dream gave up after about an hour of searching, and was about to turn back before he got too lost, when he heard loud wailing from the girls bathroom across the hall.

He moved in that direction, and then paused, grimacing slightly. What would people say if they saw him entering a girls bathroom.

But the wails were pretty loud, and Dream felt bad for briefly considering leaving someone sobbing in the bathroom. Maybe he could help? Or Just leave them?

He sighs before opening his mouth. "Hey, are you okay?" Dream asked tentatively as he stepped into the bathroom, briefly wondering if it was even functional.

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