chapter 11

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"I knew it. He was a Slytherin." Ron said as he broke the silence in the common room. His eyes were narrowed.

"Slytherin." Harry confirmed. Harry felt like he wanted to just do something but knew he couldn't.

"Just give him a chance Harry. Even if he is in Slytherin, that doesn't mean he's allied with you-know-who." Hermione then got up and walked into the girl's dormitory. Ron did the same but went to the boy's. Harry stayed by the fireplace. It was becoming like last year. His friends just didn't get what he was saying.

Tommy overheard the conversation. He narrowed his eyes and went to tell Techno, Sapnap, and Fundy.


There was a loud screech as the owls descended into the halls, delivering packages and letters to the students. An owl had decides the land on Dream's head and just sat down. Dream didn't seem to be bothered by it at all.

"Aww, Tiffany's making a nest in your head!" a Ravenclaw said as she took the owl off of Dream's head and took the letter out of its grasp.

"Go back to your table, Ravenclaw" remarked a fourth year that sneered at the girl.

"What can I say? Maybe Tiffany landed on this guy's head because I'm destined to be with him," the ravenclaw girl said with a flirtatious smile.

"Sorry, but I'm not interested." Dream said in a monotone voice. He just continue to eat while having his mask up slightly.

"Bummer." she said with a pout.

"Return to your table, Miss Edgecombe." the head of house said as he came by with the schedules.

"Yes, sir."

The ravenclaw girl took her owl and left with a smirk.

Snape then looks at Clay and handed him his schedule before leaving. He wasn't going to be bothered for small talk.

Dream looked at his schedule. He had most of his classes with the Gryffindors, but a few occasional ones with the Hufflepuffs, and one with the Ravenclaws. Today he had Transfiguration with the Hufflepuffs, double Potions with the Ravenclaws, double Defense Against the Dark Arts with the Gryffindors, and something called Divination.


"Settle down," said Snape coldly, shutting the door behind him. The class had just started, and he made a dramatic entrance.

Dream giggles as all eyes were on him. Since, he was wearing a mask, he would get stares but he didn't care.

Snape groaned as he watches his 'lord's' grandson make an entrance before he started lecturing the class. After a lengthy explanation of exams with a few well place glares at some of his students, Snape finally got them started on their potions with almost no explanation on how to do them.

"Sir, how do you expect us to learn anything when all we have are instructions?" Dream asks as he tilts his head to the side to act innocent. He was smiling behind his mask.

"The instructions clearly explain how to do the potion so that even dunderheads like you can do it."

"Why do you have to teach us anything then?"

"Excuse me?"

"If the instructions clearly explain how to make potions so that even we can make them, then why do you have to teach us? According to you, we can pick up any potions book with instructions and then complete the potion with no problem as long as we follow the instructions."

Snape, in a burst of uncharacteristic action, started banging his head against the wall. He's going to have to rethink his whole life.

Dream was giggling while watching his professor rethink everything. He didn't noticed that some of the students were looking at him with a small tinted blushes on their cheeks. But only one was plotting to get him for themselves.


I have made a mistake on one of the chapters. It was with Draco. I accidently put him that he isn't apart of the death eaters.

Anyways, I still hope you like this chapter.

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