chapter 22

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At the very center of where Harry and Voldemort stood, the killing curse connected with the disarming charm with such a great impact that sparks flew out from the middle. But the thread of two spells did not break. Beads of light slid along the connection, and Harry had to stay focused to maintain his jet of red light.

This was the only light in the gloomy darkness of the battlefield, and around them, the trees cast long shadows. In the clearing, many feet behind Voldemort, Dream lay unmoving on the grass. The male looked scarily pale as green light reflected off his face. But if Harry looked closely, he could see the rapidly uneven rise and fall of Dream's chest.

It seems Dream was too stubborn to die.

"DREAM!" A couple of voices yelled out And suddenly, a few people came into view.

Techno, Sapnap, Willbur and George.

Upon seeing the reinforcements, the ring of Death Eaters drew their wands at them, waiting for their master's command.

But Voldemort screamed, "Don't do anything yet! They – all of them – are mine!"

The Death Eaters shifted uneasily, and kept their wands pointed at them. They did not dare disobey Voldemort, and hence did not fire spells.

Willbur check up on Dream. He wanted to see if their were any more wounds. While Techno stood tall in front of them. His eyes narrowed as he looks towards the dark lord. He will protect them no matter what, even for Dream.

Sapnap was helping Willbur as George stand besides Techno.

Voldemort gave a yell, forcing the beads on the connection to slide in Harry's direction. In return, Harry's wand trembled in his hand, as he tried to concentrate on focusing all his energy in the duel.

As Harry kept the connection with Voldemort, he could feel his own strength sapping away. If this did not end fast, he would not be able to hold up any longer. His fingers and palms were sweaty, and the wand was sliding in his grip already.

Harry watched as Willbur started to heal Dream. He knew to keep on fighting.

"I'll handle this." Techno said, pointing his wand in Voldemort's direction. "Do you think you could–"

"Of course!" George cut in.

George charged in the direction of the Death Eaters. He fought the death eaters and was winning as he was pretty good with combat.

Harry felt the wind pick up speed. Rain was blown around in such a fast speed in front of him, obscuring his vision of Voldemort, who stood in the middle of a forming hurricane. Harry held on to his wand tightly with one hand, using the other arm to shield his face from the rain.

Voldemort stood in the swirling vortex of the hurricane, and from the side, Techno strode up to him. Without a moment's hesitation, he cast a spell.

A high pitched scream was heard. Techno held up high as he turns around and doesn't hold back. His eyes glances at Harry before heading towards Dream laying body.

The hurricane disappeared, revealing the dead body of Lord Voldemort on the grass. It was over, wasn't it? But somehow, Harry wasn't sure. This was it? The powerful Dark Lord killed by the very house that was supposed to follow him? It seemed so, seeing that Voldemort's lifeless body was lying on the ground, in a pool of blood.

The remaining Death Eaters who were still alive took one look at their dead master and fled, disapparating into the darkness.

Harry soon went over to where Dream was.

"Is he going to be okay?" Harry asked as he looms at Dream.

Willbur looks up and gave him a small smile. "He's going to be alright." He said as they hoist up Dream.


Dream was leaning against Techno as Willbur was making a fuss over him. He had somewhat recovered from his injures and was the second person to survive the killing curse.

He smiles as Everyone was suddenly protective of him but he ignores it.

He was glad that everything was normal. Or normal as it could get.

Yet, a feeling settled in.

'This isn't the end, Dream. This is just the beginning.'


Decided to end this with a DreamNoBur. I think it fitted for this ending.

I hope you guys like this story as it comes to an end. I originaly was going to leave this as a oneshot but it ended with it being a story.

Well, now a new story will be up by tomorrow or in an hour. Bye.


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