chapter 4

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Clay let them inside his home. He felt uncomfortable with the glare that the kid was giving him and the stares that the adults were giving him. But he shakes it off.

He looks at them.

"Sorry, can you repeat the question, please." He said to the old man.

The old man sighs. "This might come as a bit of a shock, but we're wizards. We've come to invite you to our school, Hogwarts." They braced themselves for the dreadful things that were sure to come. The evil grin. The wand flipping out. The cruel laughter of mini Voldemort as he blasted out their brains. Instead, he just tilted his head, to the side.

"Oh. You know, I'm basically an adult, right?" He said to them as he jestured to himself.

The kid continues to glare at Clay.

"That isn't a problem. You can be in the last year of Hogwarts, but I assure you," Gandalf said, "you won't have a problem at Hogwarts anytime soon."

"I might as well go. You guys don't look like you'll take no for an answer. But, I don't think the kid wants me to go. He looks like he wants to kill me and we only met today."

Sirius chuckled. "That's another thing you need to know. Your grandfather-"

"My Mother's, right?"


"Your grandfather is an evil wizard who is a mass murderer who killed my parents." Harry shot at him.

Clay tilts his head, again.

"So that's why you hate me soo much, but still, that's a terrible excuse to judge people by." Clay said to him. "I should know, I did it, too." He mumbled the last part.

Clay looks at the old man. "So what about my grandfather?" He asks him.

"He was banished years ago by Harry here but returned a year ago. We suspect that he is going to try to recruit for his army of Death Eaters." Dumbledore answered.

Clay began laughing for some reason. Once he composed himself, he gestured for them to continue.

"We are inviting you to come to Hogwarts."

Clay giggles at the name of their school. But soon replied. "Sure, I'll go."

"Really?" Remus questioned. Clay just was soon chill throughout this entire thing.

"Sure. Why not? It's not like you'll take no for an answer. Let me just go pack my bag."

He stands up and went to pack of a bag.


Yay, finished this chapter. ^^

Now, I might be doing another Dream Smp fan fiction. And I might be working on the first chapter.

Anyways, hope you like this story so far. Bye!!

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