chapter 3

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"So what do you expect this guy to be like?" Ron asked them."

Fred, George, Ginny and Hermione had all come to Ron and Harry's room to discuss about the new turn of events.

"I don't know." Harry admitted, sitting at the end of his bed.

"Well, when we see him we are definitely going to play a few pranks on him. None of our inventions work on you blokes because we've been making then right under your noses." Fred said. Harry smirked.

"Yeah, I want to see how well the Nosebleed Nougats work on him." George replied.

"I hope we can be friends with him. If he is as powerful as they say, we need him on our side. The instant he goes with Voldemort we're done for." Hermione said, sitting on Ron's bed with Ginny while Ron sat next to Harry.

"What if he is already on their side? I don't trust anyone who is related to You-know-who." Ron said.

"We all trust Sirius even if he is related to Malfoy and Lestrange. We trust Tonks who is also related to those Death Eaters. We even trust Lupin who is a werewolf for that matter. Why can't we trust this boy? You can't judge anyone based on their heritage, Ron. That makes you as bad as Malfoy." Hermione replied angrily.

Ron looked sheepish. Harry was thinking about what Hermione had said. She had a point. If he was going to judge people based on their heritage, he was no better than Malfoy. Heck, he wasn't better than Voldemort himself.

"Well, I'm going to sleep. Let's see what happens tomorrow." Ginny said, standing up to leave. Fred and George disapparated with a crack sound (it was really getting on everyone's nerves) and Hermione followed Ginny. Ron went over to lock the door.

"Well mate, this year is going to be different at Hogwarts, don't you think?" Ron asked getting ready for bed.

Harry didn't reply.

"Everyone, get ready." Dumbledore said.

Harry, Sirius and Lupin were going on brooms. Tonks had decided to also come, to 'keep Potter safe' as Moody put it. Dumbledore had placed Dissolution Charms on them so that no one would notice, while he was going to apparate to Florida. They were all standing outside Grimmauld place and was waiting for Kingsley to give them a sign. Suddenly a patronus came soaring out of nowhere.

"GO!" Sirius shouted and they all took off to Florida.

Two hours later they were in front of an building. Dumbledore was waiting for them, having apparated from the Order's headquarters a few seconds ago. They walked up stairs to a small apartment. Dumbledore rang the doorbell. A Man opened the door.

"Are you Clay Johnson?"

"Um, Yeah, and who are you?" The male said to them while tilted his head to the side. He was glad, that he always has his mask on, even when at home. But he kinda flinch when he heard his name as he was used to being called 'Dream'.

The kid was glaring at the male which didn't bothered him.

"I'm Professor Albus Dumbledore. This is Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks and Sirius Black" He said indicating to each one of them. Tonks flinched upon hearing her full name.

"Oh? Um, you may come in." He said as he widens the door and letting them walk in. He had hesitated a bit but he let them in.

"Now, Clay, do you believe in Magic?"


I decided to put the name Dream has a nickname instead. Because, why the hell not.

I hope you like this chapter as I decided to add another today. ^^

Also, how do you make a public server in minecraft for mobile? I feel so lonely when I play.

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