chapter 9

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The Weasley twins had just set up their first prank on little Mr. Riddle. It was a true classic, a bucket full of water on top of a slightly open door. Dream will certainly be surprised when he gets drenched in water when he lives his room.

Dream had been in the room for quite a while now with his wizarding gear. Finally, they heard sounds of shuffling and someone getting up.

The twins eagerly waited in anticipation for the door to open, Dream to get soaked in water, and then for them to laugh as he tried to dry himself off.

The door opened and…

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. At least if you don't count Dream leaning against the door frame while having the bucket of water in his hands.

The twins gaped at him. No one ever guesses they're going to prank them, much less prevents it.

"That was a good on but nothing can get pass me." Dream said while his mask hid his smirk. He then stood up straight while holding the bucket.

"Umm, how about we put this on Harry's door?" Dream suggested, trying to get the twins out of their currently fish faces.

They perked up.

"Now that is a wonderful idea, Dream!" said Fred.

"Let us follow through on this wondrous plan as we bring joy to ourselves," George continued, slinging an arm around Dream.

"And wetness to Mr. Harry!" Fred finalized, sling his arm around Dream and they both ushered him to Harry's room.

Harry Potter had just finished doing Harry stuff. He was walking outside, probably to talk to Hermione, when he opened the door and


He was soaked. And a plastic bucket hit him on the top of the head. He could see the twins laughing their heads off nearby, but Dream was leaning against the wall but Harry could tell his was laughing by the way his shoulders were moving.

The twins laughter was very infectious, and soon they had Harry laughing along with them despite being the victim. Sadly, their laughter was cut short. Luckily, their laughter was replaced by something just as wonderful. Dinner! Mrs. Weasley called them all down for dinner. They all when down as a big pack.

Dinner was uneventful. Nothing happened. They all just ate their food then went to their respective rooms. Dream and the twins were conversing.

That night was one of the best nights, Dream had liked since no one had glared at him at all but he knew it wouldn't last.


It was the first of September, the day Dream was supposed to go to this school, Hogwarts. One word for the morning. Chaos. As in how everybody normally uses it. Anyway, everybody was trying to get ready and move their things and as there were 5 people going to Hogwarts, there was chaos.

At long last everyone had got their belongings in the cars provided for them by the, Ministry of magic. Once they were in the cars. Dream started to think of what happened since diagon alley.

Since Diagonal Alley, Hermione has been asking Dream about his wand and such but Dream remained quiet as he normally does.

"We're here!" exclaimed Mr Weasley

Dream got out of the car and found himself in front of a station. They all got out and stopped between platform 9 and 10.

"All you have to do is run at that wall separating platform 9 and 10." Mrs Weasley told Dream " Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny go first and then you go."

Harry went first, closely followed by the other three ran towards the wall. Dream watches as they all went through and thought it was cool.

"Your turn." Mrs Weasley simply said

Dream smirks under his mask before he ran. He soon went through the wall and found himself on another train platform. He looked round and saw lots of school children in their teens or tweens.

He went onto the train. He walked down the corridors as to look around before a few familiar voices called out his name.



Who are they?

Also, should Dream be in slytherin?

I hope you like this chapter.

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