chapter 17

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Harry stepped back at the sound of Clay's voice. He stumbled abit but Ron held him up. His eyes were wide but he couldn't see Clay's face as it was covered but he was grateful for that.

He felt intimidated by Clay.

"Stupefy!" A voice yelled out and Clay was soon knocked out by it.


Dream woke up in a room. He was still tied while he blinks open his eyes. He felt his mask wasn't on and he sighs. He had heard a conversation as he was waking but he never dares say anything before eventually he made a sound. He opens his eyes.

"My boy, you're awake." Dumbledore said as he turns around from the book shelf. He looks at dream.

"So, why am I still tied?" Dream asks him as he lay there while looking at him but he also saw others in the room. Most were glaring at him but ignore them.

"Well-" Dumbledore was soon cut off by Harry.

"WHY WERE YOU DOWN THERE!?" Harry yelled out and was asking Dream.

"Harry," Sirius said. "Calm down"

Harry lets himself calm down.

Dream raised an eyebrow as he looks at them as he tilted his head in confusion. He then explained why but never actually giving them a vast description about it, though.

Now, Dream was wondering about something and decided to ask. "Hey, Sirius?" Dream asked. "Can I ask you something?"

"It depends on the question but sure" he replied as he crosses his arms while looking at Dream.

"What's in the Department of Mysteries?"

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room changed. Many had looked at him in shock.

"Where did you here that?" Sirius asked him sharply.

Dream was about to answer before he was cut off.

"That doesn't matter. What is in there?" Sirius opened his mouth to say something, but was soon was cut off by Minerva.

"No," she said. "We are not in the liberty to share classified information with you."

"Is it where the weapon's being kept?" Dream pressed on." The one looking for?"

Dream never even got his answer before he was untied and was told to get back to his class. He pouted but eventually obeyed. He grabbed his mask and put it on. He still felt unerved that many people saw his face.

He knew that others would find out.

At least no one saw his eyes, turning red at all.


Short chapter.

I wrote this book on little memory of the movies. Now, my writing will be mess up since I can't watch the movies, but I hope that is alright.

Anways, Dream may or may have a crush on Sirius because why not.

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