chapter 5

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They were now on the top of the building, where they were supposed to fly from. Sirius had given Percy a spare broom.

Clay looks at the broom as he grabbed the broom. He was glad that he has the mask on since his eyes had a mischievous glint in them.

"or you can apparate with Dumbledore." Sirius said. Tonks, Harry, Remus and him took off on their broomsticks.

Clay really wanted to ride the broom but decided against it since he might fall off.

"So….. why are we not leaving?" He asked Dumbledore. The wizard was watching the brooms which was slowly disappearing from sight. "Going to England by broom would take nearly three hours, and I need to enroll you. We'll go to the Ministry to get the paperwork done and then we'll be off to Grimmauld place." Dream nodded, clutching his backpack tighter.

Dumbledore smiled. He had never seen a kid like Clay. He seemed calm, for someone who just found out about the existence of another world an hour ago.

"Shall we?" He asked, and extended his arm. The male looked at him cautiously, but finally, took hold of it. They disappeared, leaving no trace of ever being there.

Two words. Never again.

It stunk. It was like being sucked into the nether portal. He hoped he'd never have to do that again. He'd probably die from suffocation.

As soon as he hit the ground, he fell down on his knees and nearly gagged. After about an eternity, he slowly got back on his feet. He was in an aisle with Dumbledore. They were standing in front of a door. The headmaster slowly pushed the doorknob and walked in. Dream hesitated a bit but eventually follow him in. To say the least, he actually was impressed by the design.

The entire room was covered in pink. The chair was pink, the books were pink, the table was pink. Even the rotting flowers had a touch of pink on it. Dream actually wanted to puke, again. It was like Techno had decided to come here and redesign everything to his color scheme.

Dream then noticed a lady sitting behind the table. She was wearing a pink blouse and a cardigan with a pink skirt. She was writing on a paper which was, thankfully, not pink. He kept his eyes on that piece of paper. If he saw a bit more of pink his eyes would probably explode. And, was the woman writing with a feather? Had she not heard of an ink pen?

"Hello Dolores," Dumbledore said, moving forward." Am I interrupting anything important?"

"Ah, Dumbledore! To what do I owe this… visit?" the woman, Dolores said looking up from her work.

Dream nearly gasped. The woman looked like a toad, with short, curly, mouse-brown hair and pouchy eyes. He tries hard not to laugh out loud. He was so glad that he was wearing the mask as his eyes tend to give his emotions away.

"I wanted to ask you a favor. Hogwarts is in short of a Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, again. I was hoping that any of the Aurors would be able to fill that post," Dumbledore said, sitting down on one of the chairs in front of him.

"And who is this young man, Dumbledore?" the toad asked, looking at Dream.

"I believe that it is none of your concern Dolores."

"Well, if this male is in the Ministry of Magic, then it is my concern, Headmaster, as an official of the Ministry to know who he is and what he is doing here in my office."

THE PUPPET ❦ 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐒𝐌𝐏 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now