Chapter 22

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Third Person POV

Understandably enough,  both Bright and Win spent almost the whole night just tossing and turning in their individual beds.

Bright kept debating with himself whether he should ask Win if he meant it when he declared that he and Sapol were no longer together, or not. He knew that he should not have assumed that Win had never been with anyone before, but still it hurt him to imagine Win with anyone else except Bright himself.

He wondered how long Win and that Sapol guy had been together before they broke up. He wondered what the reason was that broke them up. He wondered if that Sapol guy still meant something to Win until now. He wondered if it was Win who broke up with Sapol or if Sapol was the one who broke up with Win. He wondered...... Bright wanted to scream "Enough! Enough now! Go to sleep, Bright!" but his rumination went on and on and on throughout the night until his alarm rang. Shit, it was seven in the morning. He had not slept a wink.

On Win's part, he was waiting for Bright to react to his declaration but it didn't seem to be forthcoming and it was frustrating for Win.

When more than an hour passed and Bright did not approach his bed, Win slowly drifted off to sleep.

As soon as his alarm rang, Bright got out of bed and started to prepare for his eight o'clock class.

Due to lack of sleep, Bright did not have the energy to walk to the coffee shop at the campus mall for breakfast. He decided to take the elevator all the way down to the basement cafeteria where he made himself a strong cup of black coffee from the coffee dispenser.

Then he went to where he could serve himself from the glass counter a piece of French toast and a few slices of glazed ham.

Bright found that he could not even eat more than two bites from his French toast, much less a slice of glazed ham. He could only sip his coffee slowly, while trying to remember in detail the face in that photograph in Win's Chemistry textbook.

Bright stood up and hoisted his backpack across his shoulder as soon as he finished drinking his black coffee and then took the elevator up to the lobby.

Bright glanced at his phone screen to check the time. He was five minutes early but the classroom was already almost full.

Bright didn't know how he managed to stay awake throughout the class. There were times when he almost dozed off. It was a good thing that he had found a seat at the back row so the instructor did not notice that he was barely paying attention to the lesson.

When class was over, he could hear the rest of his classmates talking about their semester vacation plans. Bright remembered how Win had mentioned that he had turned down Ohm's invitation to spend their vacation at Ohm's family villa by the seaside. He wondered whether the reason that Win had turned down Ohm's invitation was because he was going to spend his vacation with Sapol instead.

Bright became increasingly miserable as the day went on. He entertained the thought of not going back to the dorm and spending the night somewhere else. He could not bear being in the same room in close contact with Win.

When Win was awakened by his own alarm, he noticed that Bright was no longer in his bed. Win assumed that Bright had gone to attend his classes.

Win sleepily made his way to the bathroom to start his day.

Win had barely made his way out the door of his dorm room when his phone rang.

"Have breakfast with me?" it was Ohm.

"Where are you right now?" Win asked.

"Sitting in my car," Ohm replied. "I'm parked right outside the lobby of your building. Hurry before the security guard tells me to leave because this is a no parking zone."

"I'm making my way there now," Win said, rushing towards the row of elevators.

"Where are we having breakfast?" Win asked as soon as he settled himself in the passenger seat beside Ohm.

"At my place?"Ohm asked hopefully. "The coffee shop must be overflowing with students right now. We will be wasting time waiting for our turn at the end of a long line."

Win knew that Ohm was right but wondered whether it was a good idea to have breakfast at Ohm's place. Ohm was sure to try to convince him to spend the semester vacation with him. Win did not have the energy this morning to fend off Ohm's pleas.

"I guess you're right," Win conceded. "What are we having for breakfast?"

"Each other," Ohm replied as he drove his sports car smoothly out the university gates.

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