Chapter 25

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Third Person POV

After his first morning class, Bright had half an hour vacant before his next class.

Since Bright had to leave the dorm before Win, he did not have the chance to confirm with Win what he had heard Win say about Sapol and him no longer being together, so Bright thought that maybe he should wait for Win in front of his building where Bright knew that Win would be attending his first morning class.

Bright glanced at the time on his phone. Any minute now he expected Win to come rushing towards the building if he didn't want to be late.

Bright's attention was caught by the arrival of a car, a familiar car. He had seen that car before. Shit, it was Ohm's car.

Was Ohm also waiting for Win to arrive? But wait... oh hell no... that was Win seated in the passenger seat right beside Ohm.

Bright wanted to look away when he saw Ohm reach for Win and kiss him, but for some masochistic reason, his eyes were glued to the kissing scene until it was over.

When he saw Win stepping out of Ohm's car, Bright quickly walked away.

What Bright had witnessed this morning was a turning point for him. He decided that he was no longer going to pursue Win. Yes, he still loved Win, but if Win was happier being with someone else then Bright wasn't going to stand in the way of Win's happiness.

Bright did his best to focus on his studies. He needed to get good grades in order to maintain his scholarship. After lunch, he stayed in the library and reviewed all his lessons and did advance studies as well.

He stayed in the library until closing time and then stopped by the cafeteria in the basement and grabbed whatever there was. There wasn't much food left because he was among the last of the dorm occupants to come to the cafeteria before it closed.

After his quick dinner, Bright wearily made his way to the elevator and punched on his floor level.

When he walked inside the room, Win was already there. It looked like Win had already showered because he was already in his pajamas and was fixing his bed.

Win turned around when he heard Bright walk in.

"Hey," Win greeted Bright in a tentative manner, half expecting Bright to confront him about Ohm.

"Hi," Bright said in response. "How was your day?"

Win looked at Bright in pleasant surprise. Thank goodness, Bright was not going to make some drama about what he saw this morning in Ohm's car.

"It was great," Win replied. "I think I did well in most of my exams. I struggled a bit in my Chemistry exam because I wasn't sure which formula......" Win's voice trailed off because he noticed that Bright had already gone into the bathroom and had closed the door.

Oh well, Win thought, I should not have taken his question seriously. It had just been a polite inquiry into his day. Bright wasn't really interested in knowing all about his day, Win guessed.

Inside the bathroom, Bright took his time brushing his teeth and the rest of his evening rituals and with his shower. He hoped that by the time he went back inside the room, Win would be fast asleep. The less he interacted with Win, the better for his heart, because Bright had decided that he was going to love Win only from afar.

Bright was relieved to see that Win was already all settled in bed, seemingly fast asleep when Bright got out of the bathroom. Win had already turned off the main light but had left a night light on so that Bright could still see his way to his bed.

Win had decided that when Bright came back into the room, whether Bright opened the topic or not, he was going to reiterate to Bright that he and Sapol were definitely over and that the kiss he had witnessed in Ohm's car was nothing but a friendly kiss.

But Win waited and waited and waited. What was taking Bright so long to come back inside the room. Finally, Win fell asleep without getting the chance to talk to Bright.

The following day was Friday. A lot of occupants in the dormitory building where Bright and Win were housed had already gone home for their semester break.

Win had one more class to attend where he was going to take his final exam. It was going to be at ten o'clock in the morning. After that he was free to go wherever he wanted to spend his break.

Bright had only one more exam to take as well but that was not until two in the afternoon. Bright planned to go to the library to review for his exams. He knew that if he tried to study in his room, the presence of Win would only distract him.

Early the following morning, while Win was still asleep, Bright left early for the library. He ate a quick breakfast in the basement cafeteria and then made his way to the library where he studied in earnest. If he was not going to be happy in his love life, at least getting excellent grades would give him some form of happiness.

Win was disappointed to wake up to Bright's absence. Shit, when would he ever get the chance to talk to Bright and tell him all that he wanted to say.

With a heavy heart, Win started preparing to leave for his last class for the semester. Win hoped that by the time he came back to the dorm, Bright would be here waiting for him.

To add to Win's heavy heart, he felt that he did not do too well in his Calculus exam. Bright's face confronted him in every question in the exam.

Win was pretty hungry by the end of the exam. He had not eaten any breakfast. Ohm had not called him to invite him for breakfast like he had done yesterday, which was for the best because Win decided that spending any more time with Ohm would only be sending Ohm the wrong message. Win only wanted to be friends with Ohm and nothing more.

Win went over to the campus mini plaza Thai restaurant and ordered some takeout food. He did not want to waste time eating his food inside the restaurant. He was hoping to catch Bright at the dorm and so he ordered takeout for two.

When Win got inside the dorm room, Bright was not there. He must still be taking his final exams for the semester, Win thought.

Win set down the bags containing the Thai food on the small dining table in a corner of the room and then went over to their room refrigerator to get a can of Est-cola (A/N: sorry, I can't forget Est-cola. I keep wondering how it tastes. Maybe I should order it online so that i would know how it tastes once and for all.)

Before Win could open the refrigerator door, he noticed a piece of paper attached to it. it was a message from Bright.

"Enjoy your semester break. See you when you get back, Bright"

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